Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 270 The Sword of Summoning [5]

Chapter 270 The Sword of Summoning [5]

No one knew that she had obtained two summoning swords in the sword mound, and that the giant gate surrendered automatically.

If the other three knew about it, they would definitely call her a pervert in their hearts again!
The sword spirit is fierce, even if Emperor Chongxi came in person back then, it took seven days and seven nights of fighting with the Demon Execution Sword before he surrendered the proud sword.

With the majesty of the emperor, there is no sword to surrender automatically, but Hua Xi has a powerful Juque sword to submit.

Isn't this a metamorphosis? What is it?
All four of them obtained the Summoning Sword, and it can be said that it went smoothly when they entered the Sword Tomb this time.

The name of the sword of boundless summoning is Canglian.

Hua Xi's summoning sword is named Juque, and the other one has an unknown name.

Long Ganyue's summoning sword is named Chengying.

Shenyue Qianhe's summoning sword is named Hanguang.

After possessing the Summoning Sword, the sword spirits will not take the initiative to attack humans who have the Summoning Sword to recognize their master. Therefore, at this moment, the sword mound is a little calm.

Without the fury of the sword spirits, there were only bursts of mournful cries lingering over the sword mound, and it was countless sword spirits crying.

The four of them were about to leave this place, Hua Xi gradually regained his intuition in his right hand, and held the Juque Sword and the embroidered iron sword.

"What are you doing with that scrap metal?" Shenyue Qianhe sneered.

"Can't be used as a crutch?" Hua Xi poked the ground with the embroidered iron sword.

"Nervous!" Shenyue Qianhe cursed in a low voice, and stepped forward first.

Long Ganyue supported Hua Xi, the two walked slowly and fell to the end, Wujiang was ahead, he walked a few steps, then turned his head.

"I'm not injured, but the benefactor is. I'll carry you out." He said lightly, his snow-white cassock was spotless.

The three of them had several injuries, big and small, Hua Xi's injuries were all on his hands and legs, so it was a bit inconvenient to move.

Last time she just twisted her foot and let him carry it all the way, but this time, Hua Xi said with a serious face: "Thank you, Master, but if you want to kiss each other, let's forget it!"

Wujiang glanced at her, slightly surprised.

Shenyue Qianhe over there burst out laughing with a 'puchi', "The six roots of monks are not clean, does the master want to take advantage of others? Hahaha——"

The corners of Long Ganyue's graceful lips twitched slightly, and said softly: "Don't bother Your Excellency, I will support her."

Seeing the reactions of these people around him, Wujiang knew that he had been played by Hua Xi, but he was not angry, he just smiled slightly: "Then benefactor, please be careful."

After speaking, he turned around and continued walking, not taking Shenyue Qianhe's ridicule seriously.

After walking for a while, I suddenly heard a dragon's cry resounding above the sword mound.

The giant dragon swam past, with the sound of thunder and lightning, and its momentum was like a rainbow!
Wujiang raised his head and pressed his hand to signal Hua Xi and the others to stop.

The light in the sword mound was dim, and there was dark blue resentment everywhere, but suddenly a huge lightning flashed, illuminating the entire sword mound in an instant!
Hua Xi was good at listening to voices and arranging positions, and when he heard Long Ming, he looked in one direction.

Just where the lightning passed, there was a black figure sitting alone on a tall mountain of swords piled up with countless weapons in front of him.

The cloak on his body fluttered, and in the lightning, a black dragon swam over with a long cry, and suddenly beside him, the dragon's body quickly turned into a black broad-edged sword, and the assistant was beside the figure!
"Who else entered the Sword Tomb?" Shenyue Qianhe asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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