Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 29 Jia Ruo Zun on [10]

Chapter 29 Jia Ruo Zun on [10]

Hua Xi's heart sank, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

If he said it in public, she dared to take Jia Ruo Zun off the tree, which the Xuanyun Sect's lord dared not offend, and fell to eat shit, then she should immediately become the public enemy of the entire Holy Light Academy!

Moreover, her father, the general, is used to playing around with the wind, knowing that she has offended such a great god, I am afraid that the general's mansion will not be able to accommodate her anymore.

She herself doesn't care, but thinking of Dugufeng who will be implicated by her, she feels uncomfortable.

Sure enough, in this era, her current strength is still too weak, and she is completely unqualified to fight against powerful forces.

This incident also made her faintly determined that she must become stronger!No matter what method is used!
All the students in the square held their breaths and stared at the stage, expecting what Master Jia Ruozun would say next.

Jia Ruo looked at the square, and when the anticipation in the atmosphere reached a peak, he let out a "puchi" and smiled softly.

"Are you serious about joking with you? Hahaha..."

The sound of collective vomiting of blood in the square made everyone speechless for a while.

This Lord Jiaruo is too...humorous!
Hua Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she was so cheap!

I was almost scared to death by him just now!She was ready to sneak out from behind at any time.

That brat is really not cute at all!
Jia Ruo raised her head triumphantly, and glanced at Hua Xi vaguely.

Even though they are far away, Hua Xi can still see the light in his eyes clearly: You will die a miserable death if you offend me!
Got it, this time she totally got it!

That kid just taught her a lesson!

Maybe, he is also afraid that Hua Xi will tell about his drooling, haha!

In short, he didn't mention it in public, which put Hua Xi in trouble, and she was very happy.

Anyway, my impression of that kid has improved a lot.

Therefore, Hua Xi also smiled in his direction, and Jia Ruo gave her a slightly arrogant look in return, and looked away, ignoring her.

There were countless people in the square, and everyone was looking at Jia Ruo, so few people noticed the quiet interaction between the two.

However, Shuo Yue Hanyou, the cloaked boy sitting in the corner, took a look at Hua Xi, seemed to have discovered something, pursed his lips, and remained silent...

This small episode passed quickly, and the atmosphere in the square unknowingly relaxed.

The one on the stage, no matter how young he looked, was still a protoss and the emperor's apprentice, so everyone looked at him with admiration.

But now, the sense of alienation caused by admiration has been reduced a lot. When people look at this boy again, they only think that he is extraordinarily beautiful and beautiful, like a piece of delicate and fragile porcelain.

Many girls looked red in the face.

Although the prince's cool and handsome appearance had been popular in the imperial capital before, the beauty and nobility of Jia Ruo Zun was also quite attractive.

On the stage, Jia Ruoqing's white robe fluttered against the wind, and smiled slowly: "Master Lu Lian invited this deity to give a lecture, but you must be tired of listening to the boring cultivation theory."

He looked at the nodding of the students in the square, blinked his eyes, and said that there was no harm to humans and animals, "Then let's do something fun!"

As he said that, he already looked towards the frontmost position in the square.

"This time the Xuanyunzong test, the prince's strength is the first, please come up."

(End of this chapter)

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