Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 292 The Prince Regrets [2]

Chapter 292 The Prince Regrets [2]

"It's all because of me, and I haven't done anything for three years, how do you want me to compensate you?" Long Ganyu stared at her fixedly.

"Compensation?" Hua Xi smiled softly, the moonlight shone softly on her face, like a lily blooming at night, elegant and noble.

"In the past three years, all my pain and misery have come from His Royal Highness, because I saved you. Not only can this matter not be spoken, but it has also become a target of public criticism."

"If His Royal Highness knew what I've lived in these three years, you wouldn't say that you want to compensate me, because those are things you can't compensate even if you sacrifice your life."

Because Mo Huaxi is dead... She will never come back after she dies.

Hua Xi didn't say this cruel sentence.

The previous words were enough to break the remorseful Long Ganyu, and she didn't want to add this last fatal blow.

Long Ganyu's face was pale, he was always cold, his emotions and anger were invisible, and he had never seen such a painful expression on his face.

Hua Xi even turned her face away, unable to bear to look at it.

Long Ganyu walked a few steps, and suddenly knelt down in front of her.

Hua Xi stood up in shock, and hurriedly stepped aside.

"What are you doing? A man has gold under his knees, not to mention you are a prince!"

"I've never had such regret and pain in my life. Are you not even willing to give me a chance?"

He turned his back to her, lowered his head, arched his back, trembling faintly.

Hua Xi looked at him, pursed her lips slightly, and finally spoke in a cold tone.

"A mistake is a mistake. It's too late to make up for it."

"Then have you ever thought that you kept me in the dark? Everything I did to Mo Qianxue and tolerated her in the past three years was because I thought it was you!" Long Ganyu said suddenly.

He is also the victim!

He was seriously injured at the time, with only a weak consciousness, and he didn't even know who it was!

"That only shows that you have no eyes." Hua Xi said indifferently.

She is not the Holy Mother. Now that the truth has been revealed, she has nothing to worry about!

No one can save the dead Mo Huaxi!

Then, let those who killed her pay the price!

Why can Long Ganyu turn back and ask for forgiveness when he is wrong?What's the use of him kneeling?

Mo Huaxi fell in love with the wrong person, and the price she paid was death!
No one gave her a chance!
Long Ganyu finally turned his head, with painful eyes, looking at the cold and expressionless young girl standing coldly under the moonlight.

Completely strange, without the slightest appearance of the past.

She had already let go, and at this moment he finally extinguished the last trace of illusion!
Hua Xi met his eyes coldly, and said each word slowly.

"From today onwards, I just hope that I have nothing to do with you. Even if I meet you on the road, please treat it as if I didn't see you."

Long Ganyu looked at her in disbelief. She not only wanted to break up with him, but also became a stranger from now on.

Hua Xi ignored his painful expression, and said coldly: "Ling'er, see off the guests!"

Ling'er trotted out from the side, silent like a cicada, not daring to vent her breath, and whispered: "His Royal Highness, please get up..."

Long Ganyu stood up slowly, took a deep, deep look at Hua Xi, then turned around, maintaining the last bit of arrogance as a prince.
Light a wax for the cannon fodder prince, since he is so hard-working, shouldn't he... vote?
(End of this chapter)

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