Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 296 Young Master’s True Face [2]

Chapter 296 Young Master’s True Face [2]

The queen came over in a hurry, her palace clothes were extremely gorgeous, layered on top of each other, and her hair was surrounded by red hairpins, as if she was dressed up and waiting for someone.

She walked over, first looked at Long Ganyu who was furious, then at Long Ganyue, and suddenly shocked when she saw the wound on his face.

"Yu'er, what are you doing?"

"I'm just teaching the guy who doesn't know what to do and thinks he can turn a sparrow into a phoenix!" Long Ganyu looked at Long Ganyue and said coldly.

"How can you say that? Yue'er is your younger brother, you..."

"Brother?" Long Ganyu laughed sarcastically, "My mother is sure, you regard him as my younger brother?"

The queen was stunned, and suddenly her heart sank with a 'thump'. Her heavily made-up face seemed to lose its color in an instant and turned pale.

Her steps were a little staggering, and she almost couldn't stand still. Fortunately, the nun behind her supported her.

She took a quick look at Long Ganyue, Yue wouldn't say such a thing, he avoided it, so did Yu'er know about it?
How did he find out?She obviously hides it very deeply, every time we meet, everything is handled seamlessly.

The queen's heart was beating fast, and she felt the world was spinning, and her eyes turned black.

"Yue'er..." She reluctantly opened her mouth, maintaining the posture of a queen, "You go back first."

Long Ganyue nodded, and walked straight forward, as if she didn't want to stay for a moment.

"Yu'er," the queen forced a smile on her face, "There are some things, don't think about them, they are all nonsense..."

"I believe in my own eyes." Long Ganyu said indifferently, and suddenly remembered that today, when Hua Xi spoke to him, he was also indifferent.

"You..." The queen's voice trembled with fear, "The queen mother..."

"Mother, please take care of yourself. My son is resigning." Long Ganyu was not interested in talking.

Such things, coming out of his mouth, feel dirty!
"Yu'er!" The queen watched bitterly as Long Ganyu got on the horse and left the palace quickly.

She bit her lip hard, and the embroidered handkerchief in her hand was torn in half by her!
Her sinister gaze suddenly turned to the two court ladies kneeling on the ground, who had just led the way for Long Ganyue.

Heard things that shouldn't be heard.

"Kill them!"

The queen gave the order harshly!
Cold Mist Island

There is the cold fragrance of plum blossoms in the air, faintly, permeating the whole island.

Even in the dark night, the moonlight is not very bright, but the clumps of red plums in full bloom still have a bright blood red color, like a red cloud.

Hu Meier broke off a few plum blossoms from a tree branch, brought them back to the house, and put them in a mussel-mouthed porcelain vase.

The young master liked red plums very much recently, and told her to fold a branch of red plums and put them in a vase every day.

Plum blossoms are very beautiful. In her opinion, nothing in this world can compare to red plum blossoms.

Noble, aloof, not afraid of frost, cold fragrance, bright appearance.

Just like the young master, how many people in the world can compare with the young master?

She picked up the plum blossoms, and as soon as she turned around, she saw a white figure walking in from the room.

She was startled, but when she saw that face, she immediately froze, with her mouth slightly opened, unable to speak for a long time.

The figure didn't seem to see him, walked into the room, sat down on the chair, and then looked at the red plums in the vase, dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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