Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 316 Bloodline of the Monster Race [6]

Chapter 316 Bloodline of the Monster Race [6]

"Ah—" The painful scream suddenly rang out heart-piercingly.

Hua Xi paused, and couldn't help but look back at him.

That punch of hers had such a big effect that it could make him hurt like this?
She didn't believe it, but Young Master Ji Yue clearly rolled on the ground, twisted and curled up, trembling terribly.

She knew that someone like Young Master Ji Yue would not bother to use such a small trick to lure her into a trap.

And remembering the first time he saw him, he also suddenly twitched.

So Hua Xi felt relieved, instead of leaving immediately, she turned around and watched him writhing in pain coldly.

"You're not going to die, are you?" She sneered.

A moment ago, she almost killed her, and now she is lying on the ground and rolling.

This is really bad retribution!
"I won't die!" He suddenly raised his head and roared at her.

The eyes behind the silver mask held deep hatred and a certain kind of insidiousness.

"It's not that easy to kill me! I, Ji Yue, will live longer than any of you!"

"Are you crazy?" Hua Xi looked at him, talking nonsense.

"Crazy? Hahahaha! Yes! I'm crazy!" He really laughed crazily, "It's not that easy to step on me forever! One day, I want your blood to pay! I I won't die! Even if I'm thrown into hell, I, Ji Yue, will never die before you!"

Seeing such a crazy young master Ji Yue, Hua Xi was taken aback. He seemed to have lost his sanity, and what he said was completely incomprehensible.

What a strange person, he was fine just now, and now he suddenly went crazy.

The dignified young master Ji Yue, who knew he would be a lunatic?
"Hey!" Hua Xi walked over, picked up a stone from a distance, and threw it at him.

His body just moved a bit, and he snorted, but he didn't react too much.

Great, killing him now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Who told you to hunt and kill me all day long? You asked for it yourself!
Hua Xi suddenly held the dagger in his sleeve and walked towards him.

He was half lying on the ground with the mask still covering his face. He didn't know if he vomited blood. The blood flowed down his neck, staining the dead leaves on the ground red.

He lowered his eyes and murmured suddenly: "I will not die...I will"

Six totems, as long as you find six totems...

Hua Xi still heard his deep voice.

With a sudden movement in his heart, Hua Xi thought of something, and his eyes slowly swept around him.

He is obviously such a powerful person, yet he has no ability to fight back at this moment...

"My son, Ji Yue, I heard that there are some spell masters who showed their talents at a very young age. However, their strength was very weak at that time, and they were easily controlled by secret techniques."

Hearing her voice, Young Master Ji Yue was shocked suddenly.

Seeing his reaction, Hua Xi became more certain of her thoughts, and continued to speak slowly.

"I think you must be controlled by someone. Once a very powerful spell master in Yunlei Kingdom was controlled by the monarch. He was in great pain. He was very young, so he ended his life with a death-defying talisman."

Hua Xi looked at him and smiled coldly: "That's really painful."

"Nonsense!" Young Master Ji Yue also sneered, "Who can control me?"

"It's really pitiful." Hua Xi shook her head, the killing intent that had emerged just now suddenly faded away.

(End of this chapter)

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