Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 352 Black Water Profound Snake [2]

Chapter 352 Black Water Profound Snake [2]

She was holding the Juque Sword, and the blade kept zooming in and out, as if seen in the Sword Tomb, forming a scale of tens of meters!

Such a huge sword barely allowed her to maintain a little balance, so as not to be flipped up and down by the turbulent current.

She lay on the sword, mobilized the spiritual power in her body, and controlled her breathing.

Barely calculated, so she can't breathe and pant, relying on spiritual power, she can barely last about half an hour underwater.

And the deeper the water, the shorter the time will be!

Because the water pressure in the deep water is too great, the human body may be crushed into a piece of flesh and blood by the water pressure!
Can't go down!

But what about son Ji Yue?

Hua Xi tried her best to keep her eyes wide open, searching around in the dark water.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow swam past quickly!
The scales on the black shadow's body rubbed against the blade of the Juque sword, making harsh sounds when they rubbed against the body of the Juque sword!

Hua Xi was stunned, this... Could it be the black water snake that Lu Lian mentioned?
A beast that can only be suppressed by a temple?

The pitch-black shadow was swimming fast, its body was estimated to be 20 meters long, and its thickness was unknown.

When the tail curls, a vortex is formed underwater!
Hua Xi was accidentally swept up by the vortex!

She flashed so fast that the tail almost slapped her face all at once!
So thrilling!
It is impossible to move underwater as flexibly as on land, especially against eddies and currents, the movements are simply clumsy!
Hua Xi watched the black water mysterious snake swim over suddenly, and the water over there suddenly fluctuated violently.

Young Master Ji Yue!

She immediately drove over with the Juque Sword.

Just approaching, the dark water suddenly exploded!
A wave of water suddenly hit.

Seeing that Hua Xi was about to be rushed somewhere by the water wave, she immediately made a decisive decision and hid under the huge body of the black water snake!
Put away the Juque sword, and grasp the rough scales on the big snake with both hands!


The water wave rushed towards her, and it took her a lot of effort to stabilize her figure.

Looking up to the front, I saw a huge snake head shaking and roaring in the water, and the eyes seemed to be injured.

Bursts of stench of blood came through the water, Hua Xi almost committed evil.

The black water snake was suppressed under this temple for nearly 1 years. It was trapped by the prohibition on the temple and could not get out, so it lived a peaceful life under this water for 1 years.

He was actually injured by a human today, and his monstrous anger was ignited!


The giant snake's roar sounded in the water, and he suddenly accelerated, chasing forward!

Hua Xi cried out incessantly, the rough scales in his hands were bleeding blood, at such a fast speed, if he didn't hold on tightly, he would be thrown out immediately!

Fortunately, the Blackwater Profound Snake didn't chase very far, and then slowed down, with its head facing forward, as if it had bitten something!
Hua Xi looked up and saw a black figure quickly sinking from the giant snake's head.

What the black water mysterious snake bit was...

Before he could figure it out, there was a muffled sound, and the black water snake roared in pain, opened its mouth, and spit out a mouthful of flames!

The blood of the sinking person also flowed out, blooming like a bright flower in the water.

The silver mask gleamed faintly in the dark water.

Young Master Ji Yue!

Hua Xi hurriedly swam towards him.
Adding [-] votes ~ spitting blood code words...

(End of this chapter)

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