Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 355 Black Water Profound Snake [5]

Chapter 355 Black Water Profound Snake [5]

Moreover, what did he just say?
She teamed up with the son Ji Yue, and was killed by the black water snake and could only escape. His strength is not that good? ! !
This is so unbearable...

"You are so powerful, why don't you come out and fight him?" Hua Xi suggested.

"Before you remembered my name, my strength was also not very good." Xiu Tiejian said proudly.

I really don't understand, he himself feels that his strength is not very good, how can he still get two to five to eighty thousand with words?
"What should I do?"

"As far as I know, when the previous emperor sealed the eight fierce beasts, he used the beast sealing talisman. Now you can find the beast sealing talisman in the belly of the black water black snake, and then replace it with a beast sealing talisman , this Black Water Profound Snake is your summoned beast, so you can go out naturally."

After hearing this, Hua Xi didn't speak for a long time.

Xiu Tiejian couldn't see what happened to her, thought something was wrong with her, and hurriedly asked, "Why don't you talk anymore?"

"Beast Sealing Talisman?" Hua Xi wanted to laugh, but still said seriously: "I haven't even seen what a Beast Sealing Talisman looks like."

"You are a spell master with good talent, you can always think of a way." Xiu Tiejian said indifferently, since he was not the one who forged spells anyway.

"Crush his internal organs directly from the inside and kill him, will it be much faster than using the beast sealing talisman?" Hua Xi asked.

"Hey." Xiu Tiejian laughed strangely twice, "Hua Xi, do you know why among the eight beasts, only the black water snake needs to be suppressed under the temple?"

"Is he the strongest?"

"That's right, but that's not the main reason." Xiutiejian lowered his voice mysteriously, a sense of mystery arose spontaneously.

"What's the main reason?" Hua Xi couldn't help asking.

Xiutie Sword said: "The black water snake is the summoned beast of the first god king. The summoner and the summoned beast are connected by life. After the first god king fell, the black water snake also died."

Hua Xi was slightly startled, and his eyes flashed: "Then what is the black water snake now?"

"2 years ago, the previous demon king resurrected the beast that once dominated the God Realm with secret techniques, and made a pact with it. They caused chaos in the six realms, and lured | the remaining seven beasts to rebel and angered In order to become the previous emperor, she personally went out to seal the demon king and the eight beasts."

"Alone? So powerful." Hua Xi couldn't help being speechless, it turned out that the black water snake was resurrected.

Moreover, he had formed a pact with the God King and the Demon Lord before, so powerful, no wonder he was sealed under the temple and suppressed.

"Hmph, the previous emperor is the strongest god king in the history of the gods, and her power surpasses the previous emperors. Before she became an emperor, she was the God of War." Xiu Tiejian said, his voice gradually full of vicissitudes.

"What kind of medicine did the devil take wrongly to provoke this pervert?" Hua Xi was extremely puzzled.

"Hey hey hey, this is the reason, I'll tell you later." Xiu Tiejian said meanly, intending to whet her appetite.

This broken sword...

"Okay, I'm just saying this to tell you how strong the Black Water Profound Snake is. If you want to kill him from the inside, you should lower your head first." Xiu Tiejian said.

Hua Xi lowered her head as she said, and saw that the internal organs had been punctured where the Juque sword was stuck, but now the flesh and blood had recovered, and the Juque sword was surrounded by the newly grown flesh.

Self-healing, indestructible ability?
(End of this chapter)

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