Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 386 Life experience a mystery [8]

Chapter 386 Life experience a mystery [8]

The flames reflected her snow-white and delicate face, and the jumping light and shadow pulled a strange shadow on her face.

After kowtowing, Hua Xi stood up, supported Dugufeng and said, "Mother, don't be sad after I kowtow."

"It's not sad." Dugu Feng patted her hand, "You just came back, go and rest first."

"Mom, please sleep with me tonight."

"No, I'll go to the guest room to sleep." Dugu Feng shook her head, if she slept with Hua Xi at this time today, she was afraid that she would say something in her dreams at night.

"Alright then, Sixi, take good care of your mother."

"Your servant knows." Sixi said with a smile.

After she helped Dugu Feng down, Hua Xi was still standing in the yard, watching the fire burn and extinguish bit by bit.

Shen Huaixu stood behind her, and after a long time, he asked: "You seem to be in a bad mood?"

"En." Hua Xi nodded, knowing that Shen Huaixu was the same as her, seeing something.

"Do you smell the fire oil?" Shen Huaixu put his hands behind his back and narrowed his eyes.

"Guess why?" Hua Xi turned his head and looked at him, "Someone set fire on purpose, but picked a time when we were not around, and only burned down the Buddhist hall."

"Anyone want something from the temple?"


Shen Huaixu shook his head: "I don't know, but since the person who set the fire had no intention of killing, I'm afraid what he wants is more important than your life."

Hua Xi looked at him with admiration, and she was right. Shen Huaixu is really a smart person.

Although his guess was a bit off, it was almost the same as what she thought!
The person who set the fire must have wanted to conceal her background!
So, that person already knew she was back?

It's true that she didn't deliberately avoid people when she walked on the street today, so it's not surprising that someone knows.

But coming to burn down the Buddhist hall at this time, it is to get her mind right, and to completely conceal her life experience!
Her background must be very important, otherwise, why bother to hide it?

The princess... She is really more and more curious. Which country's princess seems to have a lot of power!

Moreover, even she couldn't notice it!

"Hua Xi, do you want to ask Madam about this matter?" Shen Huaixu asked.

"You don't need to worry about your mother, you will always know what you need to know." Hua Xi was not in a hurry.

Paper can't keep fire, but she wants to see how long that hidden force can hide behind!
The two stood in the yard, watching the fire being slowly extinguished, while talking one after another.

Hua Xi returned to her room when the moon was in the middle of the sky.

She has not rested for several days and nights, and she is also very tired, and she wants to sleep as soon as she touches the pillow.

There was some movement under the bed, Hua Xi patted the bed board and said, "Xiao Guizi, I'm back."

A moment later, a chubby body climbed up, and crawled in front of Hua Xi, pulling a rag and crying.

Hua Xi glanced at him lazily, and couldn't help poking his round belly with her hand.

"Tsk tsk, I've been missing for a few days, but you've gained weight." This guy is really heartless!
Xiao Guizi rubbed her stomach and let out a 'grumble'.

He is not gaining weight!He just didn't see his master for a few days, and he couldn't even poop!
He wanted to kill his master!
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(End of this chapter)

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