Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 41 Cultivating Genius [4]

Chapter 41 Cultivating Genius [4]

Jia Ruozun is the disciple of the emperor, and the emperor is in charge of everything. This request should be fulfilled, right?

Many people looked at Hua Xi eagerly, with envious eyes.

This little girl's luck is a little too good!

You can get the spiritual source that ordinary people dream of!

Hua Xi pursed her lips. She also thought about asking for a spiritual source, but it would be too bad for her to ask for it so blatantly.

People in this world are unpredictable, especially the group of Mo family, she is not at ease at all.

If she knew that she had a spiritual source, she might either be killed secretly, or be used as a stepping stone for Mo Qianxue!
Mo Qianxue's cultivation talent is indeed very high, and the hope of this generation of Mo family rests on her. Therefore, for the sake of Mo Qianxue's future, the general's father may not hesitate to sacrifice a few children.

It is impossible for Hua Xi to be so stupid.

This wish is very rare, she needs to think about it.

Don't pray for the spiritual source, although this is a shortcut, Hua Xi, who has a cautious personality, never does unsafe things!

"I don't think about what I want now, can your lord give me some time to think about it?"

"Of course, I'll give you three days, how about it?" Jia Ruo smiled nicely, it seems that this public avenging of personal revenge finally let him get rid of the hatred of being teased by her.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, that's enough." Hua Xi also smiled at him, knowing that he was so powerful, she didn't have the guts to pinch his cute and handsome face anymore.

Although I really miss that delicate touch...

Jia Ruo stood up, the class was over, he didn't stay long, turned and left, the dean hurriedly followed, thanking and apologizing carefully.

"Three months later, the Emperor's Sky Survey Ceremony, please prepare carefully..." Jia Ruo's voice gradually faded away.

Monarch?sky survey?
Hua Xi didn't listen to the whole thing, and didn't understand it very well. Thinking about going back to deal with the group of people from the Mo family, she cheered up and walked down the steps.

In today's battle, she was well-known in Jialan City, and she defeated the prince, although it was luck, it was not a small achievement.

Therefore, many people gave her friendly smiles along the way, and of course almost all of them were ordinary people without talent.

General Mo's Mansion
Before Hua Xi stepped into the door of the General's Mansion, he saw Sixi who was watching at the door rushing over.

"Miss! It's better not to go back to the house now, Madam asked the servant to take the young lady to the countryside for a while."

Sixi had long been carrying a bundle in her hands, and it seemed that she had made preparations.

Hua Xi raised her eyebrows, guessing in her heart that it must be Mo Qianxue who came back to add fuel to the complaint and angered the general, so she was going to be punished.

Previously, Mo Huaxi had no status in the general's mansion. She was framed and blamed countless times since she was a child, and the general hated her the most, so she was happy to take it out on her.

"Miss won His Highness the Crown Prince on the stage today! This is a great event, Madam and Master will be happy to hear that!" The innocent Ling'er still couldn't figure out what would happen, but was sincerely happy.

"Master doesn't care if Miss wins, but today, Second Miss..." Sixi said anxiously.

Before he could finish speaking, five or six guards rushed out of the gate, with heavy backs, and came over as soon as they saw Hua Xi.

"The general has an order, immediately take the third lady to the front hall!" As he said that, he was about to come and arrest her.

The General's Mansion has always passed on martial arts to the family, and all the guards in the family are skilled, and some of them are talented practitioners.

(End of this chapter)

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