Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 411 King of the Gods [2]

Chapter 411 King of the Gods [2]

She was so frightened that she played the cat's instinct - to blow the fur!
"Meow!" With a strange cry, Hua Xi jumped up, but forgot that she was placed under the stone table by Jia Ruo, with such a jump, her head hit the stone table, and was hit back hard again.

Woooooo... It's hard work being a cat.

Hua Xi was lying on the grass, staring at her eyes, a big bump was bumped on her head, and the skin was torn.

"Hahaha, it's even uglier!" There was a burst of laughter.

Hua Xi raised his head and stared at the two beasts standing aside, they looked like divine beasts, a sturdy rhinoceros, and a golden pheasant with a bright red comb.

Listening to the sound, it was the golden pheasant who laughed, and the one who said she was ugly just now was the rhinoceros?

How dare a rhinoceros call her ugly? !
How could she be as ugly as him!
At this time, Hua Xi really wanted to summon the Juque Sword to beat them up!
But since he became a cat, let alone summoning the Juque Sword, he couldn't even summon his spiritual power.

Even Jingyu didn't know where she went.

Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs...

"She's so ugly, let me eat it." The rhino's voice sounded very simple and honest, but when it opened its mouth, the messy teeth inside were scary.

Hua Xi retreated step by step, staring at him vigilantly.

Want to eat her?Cat meat is not tasty, it is very fishy!

"Hehe, I'll block her here." The golden pheasant went around to the other side of the stone table, and smiled maliciously.

It seems that both are not good stubble.

In the Nine Heavens, and still in the Pantheon, it should be a very high-level beast.

Hua Xi knows that a good guy doesn't suffer from immediate losses, so he will deal with these two ugly monsters when Jia Ruo comes!
The only way for her now is to run outside, so she ran out without hesitation.

This fat cat's body is fat and round, its legs are short, and it is not flexible enough. If it trips over something while running, it will fall to the ground.

Fortunately, that rhinoceros was also very stupid, with a huge body and poor flexibility, so Hua Xi could take advantage of it and escape.

"Catch her quickly! Catch her!" Golden Pheasant screamed strangely from behind, outflanking her from another direction.

Hua Xi was chased out of her wits, and when she turned her head, the rhino's teeth were right behind her!
"Meow meow!" Help!

Jia Ruo, Jia Ruo!Why don't you come!
My cat is about to be eaten by a rhino!

She rushed out of the woods and rushed forward with all her strength, not noticing that there was a tall staircase in front of her.

dong dong dong-

The rhino came out aggressively, but suddenly stopped, not daring to go any further.

The golden pheasant jumped out and quickly turned back.

Where can Hua Xi see these?All he knew was running as hard as he could, and then, he just fell down the stairs.


She rolled down the dozens of steps in such a smooth way, but fortunately she was fat and strong and didn't knock her bones.

But after being hit on the head a few times, he was already in a daze.

When it finally landed on the ground, it was on all fours, stunned, and bleeding...

it hurts...

She swore that she had never been so embarrassed in her life.

She has been brilliant, domineering, miserable, and down, but she has never been so... ashamed.

Countless stars were flying in front of her eyes, one after another, the golden light was shining brightly, dazzling her eyes, she felt that she couldn't open her eyes anymore.

What's this?Why are there so many stars?

so beautiful……

Has she fainted?
(End of this chapter)

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