Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 427 Face each other day and night [5]

Chapter 427 Face each other day and night [5]

When we meet again, how will you look at me?

I... have been waiting for you for a long time.

That night, Hua Xi fell asleep, and in her dream she saw that Jia Ruo finally came back, and brought her the antidote of Ziji Shangshen.

After taking the antidote, she turned back into a human being. She was so happy that she planned to return to the human world with Jia Ruo.

However, before stepping out of the Pantheon, I suddenly heard Chong Xi's voice: "Yueyaer."

She's not a crescent moon, she'll be fine if she pretends she can't hear her!
"Yueyaer, your favorite jujube cake is here." He said.

She doesn't like to eat jujube cakes, how good Sixi made them when she goes back home!
But, thinking of this, she couldn't help turning her head to look at him.

He stood behind him, holding a jujube cake, looking at him with a slight smile.

Hua Xi immediately ran over as if she lost her soul, he picked up the jujube cake and put it in the palm of her hand, and she lowered her head and began to eat it!
She is in human form!How could he still be unable to control himself like a cat!

Chong Xi stroked her hair and said, "Good boy, it's cutest to turn back into a kitten."

Then...she became an ugly, fat and round cat again...

Don't, don't, don't turn her back into a cat, Jiaruo, save me quickly! ! ! !

She shouted desperately in her heart, but Chong Xi scratched her nose with her fingers, making her itchy and want to sneeze...

She opened his hand with her claws, but soon he came back to scratch him...

"Meow..." Hua Xi meowed in protest.

"Yueyue'er, wake up." A gorgeous and elegant voice sounded beside her ears.

Hua Xi slowly opened her eyes and saw Chong Xi's stunning face in her hazy vision, so close to her...

She was startled, and suddenly felt flustered.

She was lying on her side, with one hand resting on the side of her face, and the other stretched out to tease her.

Seeing her wake up, he smiled slightly.

He is indeed one of the most beautiful people in the Protoss. Even at such a close distance, it is impossible to pick out any blemishes on his face.

The morning sun illuminated the bedroom hall brightly, and the bright and warm sunlight was everywhere.

Chong Xi just looked at her like this, waiting for her to wake up, she suddenly wanted to say to him: Good morning.

Did he wake up early?
Wait...was he sleeping in his bed|bed last night?

They... share the same bed?
Hua Xi blinked her eyes, there was gum in her eyes, she had to raise her paws to scratch, and then thought in a daze: In this world, there are not many people who can climb the bed of God.

There are not many cats that can climb the bed of God.

Thinking about it this way, she felt that she was not at a disadvantage.

"Little slob, don't you want to get up?" He asked with a smile on his lips.

Hua Xi first stretched comfortably, then slowly got up, wagging her tail.

Chong Xi also got up with her, and in the bedroom, the goddesses walked in slowly, holding clean water, towels and so on.

"Come here, Crescent Moon." He waved to her.

Hua Xi had no choice but to lazily walk over, only to see that he wrung out the water with a towel, then wiped her face and paws.

How boring is he to take care of the cat so meticulously?
Forget it, anyway, it feels good to be served by the god king, even if he is boring.

Hua Xi thought leisurely, after washing her face and eating breakfast, she finally had hot fish this morning.

Chong Xi didn't even eat, just watched her eat and teased him by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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