Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 460 Theft of Immortal Medicine [1]

Chapter 460 Theft of Immortal Medicine [1]

After their figures were gone, Hua Xi wiped the corners of his eyes, sat down, and thought about the brief meeting just now.

She will miss it all her life.

Chong Xi walked out slowly, and suddenly loosened her fingers, and threw the jujube cake into the grass.

Wu Fangfei looked down, and quickly asked, "Why did the emperor throw it away? Isn't this Yue Ya'er's favorite snack?"

"She won't come back." He looked at the poor pastry in the grass and whispered.

Wu Fangfei chuckled and asked, "How did Dijun know? How could that kitten be willing to leave Dijun?"

Smiling and laughing, she raised her head and saw Chong Xi pursing her lips lightly, with a trace of coldness on the corner of her lips.

Wu Fangfei was startled, she quickly lowered her head, not daring to say anything more.

A drizzle suddenly fell from the sky, which wetted countless apricot blossoms.

Hua Xi raised her head and looked at the rainy sky.

It was so strange, the sky was clear just now, and suddenly it rained.

It turns out that it also rains in the God Realm.

Fortunately, it was only light rain, otherwise there would be no shelter here, wouldn't she be drenched in water?
Sighing softly, Hua Xi had no choice but to hide under a tree, hoping that Lu Lian would come quickly.

In this situation, the apricot blossoms are just blooming, and the light rain of the world of mortals has drenched her mood.

She was sheltering from the rain under a tree when she suddenly saw a giant beast flying by in the sky.

Isn't that Jiaruo's Taiyin Kui beast? !

"Jia Ruo!" Hua Xi quickly shouted to the sky, "Jia Ruo!"

A head poked out from the Taiyin Kui beast's back, looked down, and a surprise expression appeared on that immature face for a moment.

"Hua Xi!" He waved his hands, and suddenly jumped off the Taiyin Kui beast's back.

In the drizzle, he stepped on the wind with his toes, his clothes fluttering, handsome and young.

Seeing Hua Xi who has transformed back into a human race, Jia Ruo didn't know how happy she was, but time was short, and there was no time to ask her how she transformed back.

"I've been looking for you everywhere, and I finally found it! Come back to the human world with me, the sky survey ceremony will start soon!"

"Wait a minute, Lu Lian will be here soon." Hua Xi said, she can't run away by herself, she should leave Lu Lian behind.

"Lu Lian?" Jia Ruo showed a puzzled expression, "Isn't Lu Lian in the temple?"

"No, he just separated from me just now, thanks to him giving me the Magic Shape Pill..." Before Hua Xi could finish speaking, she suddenly stopped, feeling a bad premonition in her heart.

She looked at Jia Ruo, Jia Ruo also had a strange expression on her face.

"Hua Xi, Lu Lian is in the temple. He asked me to come up to you. The Seventh Prince and the others have already gathered in the temple."

"Then who did I meet just now?" Hua Xi's heart sank suddenly.

"Such a powerful illusion can turn into Lu Lian and enter the God Realm without the eyes of Kun and Si. It's either a powerful monster race or a demon race..." Jia Ruo murmured.

"Not good! Dijun!" Hua Xi immediately chased in the direction where Chong Xi left just now.

Jia Ruo followed behind her and asked nervously, "Hua Xi, what's going on?"

"Today's Sky Survey Ceremony, if there are monsters and demons mixed in, they must be trying to harm the emperor!"

"That's right, the demons have always hated Master..." Jia Ruo became more and more frightened as he spoke, "but how could they have such courage? The Demon King was not born, and if he assassinated Master, it would only bring an even greater disaster to the Demons! "

Hearing what he said, Hua Xi stopped running again, "What did you say?"

"Huh?" Jia Ruo didn't understand.

"What did you just say? The Demon King was not born, they dare not assassinate the Emperor..."

(End of this chapter)

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