Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 468 Sky Survey Ceremony [3]

Chapter 468 Sky Survey Ceremony [3]

This is Dijun Chongxi's guiding beast—the magic lotus deer!

She widened her eyes, not daring to run any further.

"Hua Xi, stop!" Zi Shi chased after her, saw her stop, and happily ran over to grab her, "Haha, I caught you, let's see where you go..."

Hua Xi turned around abruptly, covered her mouth, and winked at her.

Zi Shi didn't know what happened at all, but he was a little surprised when he saw the magic lotus deer in a blink of an eye.

Huanlianshenlu looked at them coldly, as if he would throw you into the pool to feed the fish if he dared to make the slightest noise.

A silent threat...

Hua Xi closed her mouth tightly knowingly, expressing that she would never say a word, and by the way covered Zi Shi's mouth, not letting her say a word.

In the shadow behind the stone statue, a bright golden light slowly faded away.

is it you?Double eve.

Huanlian Shenlu stared at them sternly, and after a while, turned around, jumped off the stone platform, and left slowly.

Only then did Hua Xi let go of Zi Shi's mouth and patted her chest.

"It's dangerous..." Chong Xi doesn't like the human race, so it's luck that they didn't anger him by fighting like this.

"What's going on?" Zi Shi didn't understand the situation at all, but when he saw the magic lotus deer, he still knew it was not easy.

"It's okay, it's okay." Hua Xi smiled at her, anyway, the matter has passed, and she is not going to scare Zi Shi anymore.

"Why do I feel like something is pressing on my heart just now, and I can't breathe." Zi Shi said with lingering fear, clutching his chest.

"That's because I was covering your mouth." Hua Xi said quickly, not wanting to tell her that it was the coercion of the God King passing by just now.

"But..." Zi Shi frowned, obviously feeling wrong, that kind of oppressive feeling was on the heart, as if it could crush the heart.

"Please go to the square outside the temple." The priestesses shouted loudly.

"Let's go!" Hua Xi took Zi Shi's hand and ran out.

Zi Shi also had no time to care about the golden lotus blooming in the pool. She had never been to the temple, so she didn't know if it was originally a golden lotus.

On the huge square outside the temple, the emperor and all the civil and military officials had already been waiting there. The civil servants and military generals were divided into two rows, dressed up and solemn, not daring to show any disrespect.

And the national teacher Lu Lian took the envoys and priestesses in the temple and stood in the center of the square.

It was full of black clouds, full of people.

The temple was built very high. From here, you can still see the people in Jialan City, and they all came out, dressed neatly, and waited quietly.

No one made any noise, and all the people seemed to be suppressed by a silent force, even breathing so cautiously.

Hua Xi has grown up so much, and has never seen such a solemn scene. It seems that if he breathes a little more, he has committed some unforgivable sin.

She and Zi Shi found Long Ganyue and the others together, and the five of them stood in a row.

Hua Xi raised his head, the five of them were about to visit the emperor, so they were very close to the state teacher.

Hua Xi didn't see Jia Ruo beside him, she was wondering, when suddenly a piece fell from the sky and brushed her cheek.

Hua Xi couldn't help raising her hand to catch it, in her palm was a piece of snow-white apricot blossom, clean and pure white, like snow that just fell.

Woooooooo——Someone blows a xun in the distance, and that humming sound seems to be the beginning of another beautiful world.

Then, the sound of pipa and guqin also sounded one after another, accompanied by melodious flute and singing.

(End of this chapter)

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