Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 479 Master Starfall [2]

Chapter 479 Master Starfall [2]

With a displeased look on Xingzhui's face, he stretched out his hand to Hua Xi.

This guy won't help him sit down again, will he?Where is this going?
Anyway, it's impossible to let her kiss.

Hua Xi walked over with a smile, and asked heartily: "Master Xingzhui, if you have any orders, just say it!"

"Hold me." He lightly dropped three precious words.

The smile at the corner of Hua Xi's mouth twitched, and she thought silently in her heart: You are hard in the backstage, I won't argue with you, your father is Chong Xi, and I won't fight with you!
She picked up the brat and asked again: "What other orders does Master Xingzhui have?"

Xingluo glanced at her, that look seemed to say: Don't always ask such stupid questions.

fart boy!
Hua Xi scolded him secretly, and then said to Long Ganyue: "Anyway, the temple is fine, let's go back together."

"Okay." Long Ganyue nodded, with a gentle smile on his lips, "Let me hug him."

"No." Xingzhuo said bluntly, not polite at all!

Hua Xi could only smile wryly and say, "It's okay, he's so small, he's not heavy."

With that said, the three of them left the temple.

After they left, under the corridor where they were standing just now, the golden light gathered little by little, slowly forming the shape of a small deer.

Lu Lian also walked out slowly, looking at the direction Hua Xi and the others left, the two of them remained silent for a while.

After a while, Jia Ruo hurried over and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Your Excellency Huanlian, where is Master?"

"The emperor has returned to Jiuchongtian." Huanlian Shenlu said lightly.

"Ah? So fast?" Jia Ruo scratched the back of his head, "But Master told me in the morning that the five people who have obtained the Sword of Summoning will be summoned to Jialan City. When will they come?"

"The sooner the better." Huanlian Shenlu said, "The demons are about to move, and someone needs to find out as soon as possible."

"But those young people, are they really okay?" Jia Ruo frowned thinking of Hua Xi, "Why don't you let me go."

"Master Jia Ruo is a noble person, you are the only disciple of the emperor, how can you go to the devil to take risks?" Huanlian Shenlu said majestically.

"There is nothing noble or humble. Even if I don't go, can't I send someone else? Why must those young people who are just fledgling?" Jia Ruo was slightly dissatisfied.

"They are chosen by the emperor." Huanlian Shenlu said, "Master Jiaruo, this is the emperor's decision, do you want to question it?"

"No!" Jia Ruo shook his head immediately, he had complete reverence for Master!
It's just that he was a little bit reluctant to think of Hua Xi going to take risks...

"Summon them here as soon as possible." Huanlian Shenlu said, his body slowly turned into a golden light and disappeared.

Jia Ruo watched him disappear helplessly, raised his head and said to Lu Lian, "Lu Lian, why Hua Xi and the others?"

"How would I know what Dijun means?" Lu Lian said lightly.

"Even you don't know." Jia Ruo lowered his head in distress, feeling very depressed.

The Demon Realm, the Sunset Mountain Range...that is a place that even the gods dare not approach easily...

Long Ganyue thoughtfully sent Hua Xi back to Dugu Mansion, sitting in the carriage on the way, and Xingzhuo also sat in Hua Xi's arms as a matter of course, unwilling to get off.

This little kid was so indifferent at the beginning, I don't understand why he has become so clingy now.

Leaning in Hua Xi's arms, playing with her long lock of hair very happily.

She turned her head to talk to Long Ganyue, and he pulled her hair on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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