Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 483 Stealing the Totem [1]

Chapter 483 Stealing the Totem [1]

Chong Xi treats her very well, Xing Zhui is just a bit of a bear, Jia Ruo is even more friends with her, Lu Lian and Ziji Shangshen are also not bad.

She couldn't think of a reason to be an enemy of the Protoss.

As for Xiao Guizi, why does he hate the Protoss?She doesn't know either.

Currently, the Protoss and the Human Race live in peace, the Human Race cannot step into the Protoss' land, and the Protoss rarely come to the Human Realm.

It can be said that well water does not violate river water.

Xiao Guizi sniffed, crying until she was heartbroken.

Hua Xi had no choice but to say something irrelevant to comfort him.

She sat on the grass, quietly waiting for Xiao Guizi to finish crying.

Looking up at the night sky, there is only a waning moon, and there are no stars.

There is no starlight, Chong Xi, are you unhappy tonight?
why?Is it because you can't find your crescent moon?

Hey... What is she thinking about, she still has a lot of troubles, and she is still worrying about why others are unhappy.

"Don't cry, Xiao Guizi." Hua Xi patted Xiao Guizi who was still sobbing. In order to relieve the depression in her heart, she also decided to find something to do.

"Anyway, the night is dark and the wind is high, shall we find something to do well?" She asked with a smile.

Xiao Guizi sniffled, looked up at her, what does the master want to do?
Seeing that his eyes were swollen from crying, so pitiful, Hua Xi sighed and said, "It seems that to make you happy, you have to do something exciting."

How exciting is it?

Xiao Guizi blinked her eyes.

Hua Xi smiled slightly, and said in a low voice, "Let's steal people, pictures, and ten!"

After finishing speaking, she picked up Xiao Guizi, and with a flash of her figure, she immediately left the grass and headed towards Jialan City.

After a stick of incense, Hua Xi had already changed into the newly made night clothes, covered with a black cloth, and entered the Jialan City in the middle of the night like a ghost.

The imperial capital in the dark night is like a silent prehistoric giant lying quietly on the ground.

In the middle of the night, lanterns are still lit everywhere on the street, brightly lit.

After the Sky Survey Ceremony, the lights in the city will stay on for three days and three nights all night. It is said that in this way, when the emperor looks down on the world from the Jiuchongtian, he can see the lights of thousands of families.

Just like when the human race raises their heads at night, they will see the stars in the sky.

After the carnival, the people have returned to their homes to rest.

Occasionally, there were a few drunks on the street singing drunkenly and refusing to go home.

Hua Xi quickly passed by them, bringing up a gust of icy wind.

The drunks shuddered.

"Yes, what is it?"

"It looks like a human figure!"

"No, no, is it a ghost?"

"Ghost, ghost!"

Terrified screams resounded through the long street, but no one paid attention.

Most people are used to this kind of drunken madness in the middle of the night.

Hua Xi stood on the roof of the palace, the night wind was blowing her clothes, she tied her hair up into a bunch, neat and tidy.

The clothes danced lightly, and Xiao Guizi poked his head out of the cloth bag beside her, feeling the night wind blowing past his cheeks.

In the middle of the night, the target is the Fenghua Hall in front of you!
The owner is so handsome!
He looked at Hua Xi with eyes full of admiration.

Hua Xi patted his head lightly, and said in a low voice: "I'm going in soon, you can't come out, if someone finds out, we'll be finished."

Xiao Guizi nodded repeatedly, feeling very exciting.

He hid in the cloth bag, soon, Hua Xi jumped off the roof and ran quickly on the palace road.

(End of this chapter)

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