Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 520 Finally Become a Stranger [1]

Chapter 520 Finally Become a Stranger [1]

If this is the case, she must see him even more!
"You kill me!" Yan Xun said with his head held high, unyielding.

"You forced me!" Hua Xi once again unleashed the Juque Sword, slashing at him with one strike. It won't kill him, but it can make him lose all mobility with one move!

When the Ju Que sword was less than one centimeter away from him, a light suddenly flashed in the air, and the clear stream of light blocked the Ju Que sword and bounced the Ju Que away.

Bearing Shadow Sword!
The moment Hua Xi saw the light in the air, Hua Xi recognized the sword!
Only by dancing under the light can you see the shadow of the sword!
Hua Xi raised her hand to hold the Juque sword, slowly raised her head, and saw that the door of the room was opened, and a snow-white figure came out slowly.

Like snow falling from the sky, he always looks so spotless, clean and clear.

The beautiful appearance is the color of the country.

The looming tenderness in the eyes is indifferent, indifferent, and indifferent to the world.

The eyes he looked at Hua Xi were the same as usual, just like she saw him for the first time after she came to this world.

The pale and haggard look couldn't hide the stunning look.

There are tens of thousands of beautiful people in the world, but there is always a person whose appearance can instantly hit your heart.

It was him, even though he was not as glamorous as Chong Xi, he still made her unable to extricate herself from being attracted to him.

"Yue." Hua Xi spoke softly, but her voice was firm, "No matter what happens, I will help you!"

Hearing this, Long Ganyue tilted his head slightly, and asked with a smile, "What do you mean?"

"Do you still recognize me?" Hua Xi asked nervously.

"Of course I recognize you. You are Hua Xi. How could I not recognize you? You picked plums for me, and I will never forget them in my life." He said softly, "Come here, what's the matter?"

Hua Xi stared at him blankly, and there was no situation where he was under control as imagined.

He was so calm, the same as ever.

How could he be so calm?

"Yue, your marriage with Luo Xuanshuang..."

"So you came to bless me, thank you very much." Long Ganyue smiled softly.

Hua Xi's heart sank rapidly following every word he said.

What?She is a little confused about the situation?Why does he look so happy?
"Yue, she used a special method to control you! I was almost controlled by her yesterday!" Hua Xi couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, "Don't worry, I will let her let you go!"

Long Ganyue looked at her for a while, although there was still a smile on his face, it was a little cold.

"Hua Xi, I thought you came to bless me." There was a bit of displeasure in his words, "So you are the same as Princess Pingcheng? In your hearts, will I always be so weak and easily controlled by others? ?”

"Do you want to tell me that you are willing to marry Luo Xuanshuang?" Hua Xi asked sharply.

"Why can't I be voluntary?"

"I don't believe it! You've only met her once, there's no way you like him!"

"That's right, I don't like her, I like you." Long Ganyue said directly.

Hua Xi was suddenly speechless and stared blankly at him.

"I like you, do you like me?" Long Ganyue smiled coldly, a little sad, "Since I can't get it, why should I wait so hard? Besides, she can help me a lot, but you can't, so I choose to give up you."

Hua Xi clenched her fists tightly, she didn't believe Long Ganyue was such a person!
(End of this chapter)

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