Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 523 Finally Become a Stranger [4]

Chapter 523 Finally Become a Stranger [4]

"Thank you." He said flatly.

"Thank you?" Hua Xi laughed, "You are too polite."

"It should be, after all, I hope to be like strangers with you in the future, is that okay?" He asked.

Hua Xi pursed her lips, looked at him for a while, and then said, "Of course."

"Thank you." A smile slowly appeared on his face, "Then, will you bless me?"

Hua Xi was silent for a while, and then said: "I will! I wish you a smooth career and a bright future! I hope that one day you will rule the world!"

"Thank you, I didn't treat you well, so I won't send it off." After he finished speaking, he turned and entered the room, closing the door.

Hua Xi sat in a daze for a while, then raised her head and saw Yan Xun still standing aside, looking at her with some sympathy.

It's funny how she should be pitied.

Hua Xi stood up, staggered and staggered a bit.

"I'll take you home, Miss Mo San." Yan Xun stepped forward to help her.

"No need." Hua Xi straightened her back suddenly, "I can walk by myself!"

She raised her head, how could she make others sympathize?Where did her pride go?It's really strange that it would be so painful to treat someone sincerely.

No wonder, in her day, the law of killing was ruthless.

She is so good, but when she comes to this era, she will be frustrated because of her feelings.

Hua Xi, it would be great if you were a god, even a demon.

This must be ruthless and desireless, so there is no need to suffer.

She left the Seventh Prince's Mansion and walked on the street, Shuo Yue Hanyou followed her silently since she left the gate of the Seventh Prince's Mansion.

There were many people coming and going on the street, and he followed behind her, but most people would avoid him in fear when they saw him.

Slowly, everyone on the street ran away, hiding in a nearby house, not daring to come out.

That's the poisonous son of the Shuoyue family.

The body is covered with ice and poison, so scary, if you get close to it, you will die, so stay away.

Suddenly, the bustling street became quiet.

No one spoke, and pairs of hidden eyes looked at the two people walking one after the other.

Suddenly there was a bang in the sky, lightning flashed, thunder rolled, and heavy rain suddenly began to fall.

Why is it raining again?

The recent weather is really changing, always raining, which makes people afraid.

Hua Xi raised her head, the rain fell on her face and slowly slid down.

She opened her eyes, letting the rain wash away the soreness in her eyes.

When I came here, I thought of countless possibilities, but I didn't expect this one.

Long Ganyue is not wrong, Mo Huaxi may have been wrong in the past, and she may be wrong now.

But what is really wrong should be this world, it is an unfair fate!

If there is a God, why does He arrange it like this?

The human race has to endure so many sufferings and disasters, but it still tortures people's hearts.

In the 21st century, she once heard a myth. In the age of mythology, all human beings have a common language and can communicate.

Human beings are clever and built the Tower of Babylon that can lead to heaven. God panicked and separated human languages.

Since then, human beings in various places have been unable to communicate, so various suspicions and estrangements have arisen.

Maybe all the gods are so indifferent and cruel, the authority of the gods cannot be shaken, and the gods want to dominate everything.

Therefore, God created injustice, suffering and disasters, and he wanted human beings to worship him.

Why can God rule over everything?
She hated such a fate!
(End of this chapter)

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