Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 54 Stealing medicine from the treasury [7]

Chapter 54 Stealing medicine from the treasury [7]

So she planned to visit the West Market today.

I picked up a set of men's clothes in the alley and walked out, got a cloth to cover my face, and strode out of the city.

Xishi has never been tolerated by the world, but because of the mysterious forces behind it, Feng Xiguo has always been helpless.

However, the location of the West Market is relatively remote. When leaving Jialan City, one has to pass through a dark forest full of dangers.

Hua Xi didn't have a weapon, so he had to break off a nearby tree branch and slowly inject spiritual power into it.

This forest is called the Forest of Wicked People, not because there are any wicked people in it, but because it is said that there are some difficult beasts and sporadic monsters haunting it.

Hua Xi walked in slowly, and every tree in the villainous forest grew tall and lush, and the luxuriant canopy completely blocked the sunlight above, so it looked dark and cold.

There was no one around, but an unfriendly atmosphere filled every corner.

It seems that it is really a difficult place to deal with...

Hua Xi collected herself and clenched the branch in her hand.

I don't know how many years of fallen leaves have been piled up under my feet, and they are creaked. Suddenly, there is a 'bang' from the side, and something hits the ground heavily!

Hua Xi looked back, and saw a bloody figure thrown from a tree, which had been gnawed to the bone.

And on that tree, a black centipede bigger than a person climbed down the trunk.

The sound of the tentacles clicking and clicking makes the scalp tingle.


When the centipede saw the human being, it rushed over excitedly!
Another full meal!
Seeing the flesh and blood on the centipede's teeth, Hua Xi immediately took a step back in disgust.

The spiritual power was poured into the tree trunk in an instant, and when the centipede rushed over, it stabbed out!

"Aw—" the centipede screamed, the shell on its back was pierced, thick black blood gushed out, and immediately corroded Hua Xi's tree trunk completely!

She let go of her hand, stepped back, and jumped onto the branch next to her!

The centipede was injured and enraged, and climbed up angrily!
Humanity!You must die today!

"Hiss!" The mouth opened, and a white sticky substance sprayed out.

Hua Xi dodged sideways, but the sticky object quickly corroded the tree trunk, so she had no choice but to jump off.

It was not the first time to use spiritual power proficiently, not to mention that she didn't want to fight in close quarters with such a disgusting thing.

Breaking off a branch again, filled with spiritual power, Hua Xi moved quickly and dodged and attacked among giant trees!

Fill it with spiritual power and release it!

Lingli's attack was fast and accurate. The big centipede had a huge body. Although it had corrosive mucus, its speed was much worse than Hua Xi's!
Gradually, there were more and more injuries on the centipede's body, and the shell was almost lifted off. No amount of corrosive mucus was of any use, and it slowly lay motionless on the ground, without breath.

Hua Xi was panting and stood on the tree trunk, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Mo Huaxi's body is too useless, it's not enough for just a short while.

Checking the spiritual power in the spiritual source in the body, there are still four-fifths left.

It takes one-fifth of the spiritual power to kill a centipede.

Be good, it's not easy!
With her current cultivation, she can only kill five such centipedes?

This is only the outermost edge of the wicked forest!
Hua Xi walked slowly to the side of the centipede, the dead centipede leaked a trace of spiritual power, she felt a tightness on her wrist, she lowered her head to look.

(End of this chapter)

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