Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 544 Training on Chongxi [3]

Chapter 544 Training on Chongxi [3]

Hua Xi walked into the main hall of Chonghua Palace, Chong Xi stood in a bright light, turned around slowly, and looked at her.

Hua Xi could really hear the sound of her own heartbeat.

In the golden light, his purple eyes sparkled boundlessly.

Puff, puff, puff...

The sound of her heartbeat echoed clearly in her ears.

Hua Xi was a little embarrassed, her face flushed slightly, she bit her lip lightly, and bowed respectfully to salute.

"Thank you Dijun for saving me!" she said seriously.

She reminded herself at all times that she was a human race, and even though she was so small under his divine power, she could be flustered, but she must not show any humble appearance!

"Go back." Chong Xi said lightly.

"Dijun, I have doubts, I wonder if I can ask Dijun to answer for me?" Hua Xi summoned up her courage and said.

"What doubt?"

"Is what you saw in the pool of the future real?" She asked, her ears started to burn, it was so hot!
"of course."

Hua Xi was taken aback, her heart beat faster, her ears seemed to burn to the point of falling off.

"Then, then..." Oh my god, she started to stammer again, Hua Xi took a deep breath and asked, "Only you can see your future, even if there are others beside you, you can't see your future, right?"


Hua Xi completely relaxed, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of her mouth, fortunately...

There was a hint of a smile in Chong Xi's voice: "No one can see other people's future except me."

Hua Xi's smile froze on her lips, and she looked at him dully.

Remembering that he could only smile behind her and say 'not bad'.

Him, did he see it all?
Want to cry but have no tears, what does it mean to experience the feeling of mixed sorrow and joy in an instant?
"Then I, I'm leaving." Hua Xi said in a very low voice.


She tried her best to back out with her head down, but she no longer had the courage to look up at him.

If a flower stuck in cow dung is to describe the relationship between men and women under unequal conditions.

Then... Chongxi is a flower, and she is that pile of cow dung.

It's not that she underestimates herself, but that it is true.

Hua Xi walked alone in the quiet Pantheon, went far away, and looked back at the sacred Chonghua Palace, the most noble place in the world.

Recalling the grand occasion of the Sky Survey Ceremony, the Six Realms paid homage to him, with such respect and yearning.

He was just aloof and hurried past without even showing his face.

And she, like all races, knelt on the ground and was not even allowed to look up at him.

How could she have that kind of relationship with him?

She won't let herself be delusional.

"Look, look, it's her, I look like it!"

"It's not like, it's her! I know this girl even when she turned into ashes!"

In a certain corner, two furtive figures were hiding in the dark, staring at Hua Xi approaching, ready to ambush her.

The two guys are gearing up and ready to go out at any time!
As for Hua Xi, she looked up at the sky, and when she lowered her head, she unexpectedly saw a huge shadow on the ground.

She glanced at it calmly, and saw that the shadow had strange horns, was huge in size, and also had the shadow of a chicken with wings spread on its back.

She immediately recognized the two monsters Shi Fuzhan and Jinfeng!

What do you want to do, sneaking and hiding on the road she passed by?
It's so stupid, I don't even know the shadow is exposed.

Hua Xi pretended not to notice, and walked straight over, quietly holding two charms under her sleeves.

(End of this chapter)

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