Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 560 The Precious Mirror of Fengyue [2]

Chapter 560 The Precious Mirror of Fengyue [2]

Hua Xi looked at his back, watched quietly for a while, then raised her head, the wind gently brushed her cheek.

She jumped off the roof, and as soon as her figure jumped, she went in the opposite direction with him.

The evening breeze was gentle, Hua Xi slowed down after leaving the palace, and walked slowly on the deserted street alone.

Suddenly, the sound of chanting sutras came from nowhere, it was very soft, but it floated into her ears for no reason.

Hua Xi was startled, and then walked into an alley following the sound of chanting.

In an ordinary house, Hua Xi climbed over the wall and entered the yard, raised his head, and saw a young monk in white robes sitting on a couch by the window in the window lit by candlelight.

Close your eyes and chant sutras, move the rosary, and concentrate on nothing else.

Hua Xi walked slowly to the window, propped her face with one hand, and listened quietly, only to feel that her heart suddenly calmed down.

"The benefactor came to visit late at night, what's your business?" the little monk asked without opening his eyes.

"The little girl is a little confused, and wants to ask Master Wujiang to clarify her doubts."

Wujiang opened his eyes, and his pure eyes looked into her eyes all at once.

He was startled, then moved away, and asked calmly, "What doubts do you have?"

"Buddha said that there are eight sufferings in life. The master thinks, what is the most suffering?"

Wujiang said: "I can't ask for it."

"So the master is also entangled by the mortal heart?" Hua Xi couldn't help smiling, "I'm a mortal, and I can't avoid the mortal heart, but the master can be liberated. I just want to ask how to be liberated?"

Wujiang looked at her quietly for a moment, then asked, "Who bound you?"

Hua Xi stared at him blankly, no one restrained her.

Wujiang smiled and said: "In ancient times, a monk asked the Buddha and asked the stone: What is liberation? The stone asked: Who bound you? The monk asked: What is the pure land? The stone asked: Who defiled you? The monk asked: How? Is it Nirvana? The stone asked: Who will live and die with you?"

Hua Xi listened silently, Wujiang said: "Since no one is restraining you, why bother looking for liberation? There is no dirt on your body, why bother looking for a pure land? There is no distinction between life and death, why bother looking for Nirvana?"

Thorough and enlightened, the Buddha is in the heart, and the mirror of Bodhi is often seen.

If there is no worry in the heart, there will be no trouble.

Hua Xi lowered her eyes and murmured: "It would be great if I wasn't fooled by Fan Xin like you."

"Master said that this world was originally a mirror in the hands of the gods. This mirror has two sides. One side is filled with mortals. It is a gentle country, full of beauties, drunk and dreamy. It is born to be bewitched by the mortals in the mirror and cannot extricate itself."

"One day, after Tianshen got drunk, he accidentally turned over to the other side of the mirror, only to see that the original world of mortals was like a purgatory, the beauties would eventually turn into dry bones, and fame and fortune would be nothing in the end, so he realized this and put away the mirror from now on, never to go back again. Look at the world of mortals, and never go to purgatory again."

"Has he converted to Buddhism?" Hua Xi murmured.

"No." Wujiang shook his head, "This mirror is a reflection of the world of mortals. The lifespan of a human race is only a hundred years. Therefore, enjoying yourself in time and delaying your cultivation will become the weakest race in the six realms."

"Master Mo, ordinary minds can't confuse you, only the mortal world in the mirror can confuse you. When you are in the mortal world, you will be deceived by the mortal world, but the day you put down the mirror, the confusion will go away."

Hua Xi looked at him, in the world of mortals, he must be confused by the world of mortals.

She suddenly smiled: "What kind of mirror is that?"

"This mirror is called Fengyue Baojian, and it is the human world where you are."
The second volume [Fengyue Baojian] is over
Volume [-] starts tomorrow~
Thank you for your support, the little monk's bald head illuminates your path, everyone, don't be confused by the world of mortals~ Voting for the old road is the right way, you know?
(End of this chapter)

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