Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 580 The Devil’s Eye of the Wind [3]

Chapter 580 The Devil’s Eye of the Wind [3]

Even at this point, his eyes are still calm and clean.

When I see such eyes, no matter what, my heart will be at peace.

Realizing that she was still lying on top of him, Hua Xi climbed down silently, touching her nose in embarrassment.

"Thank you." If he hadn't caught her and protected her with Buddha's light, she didn't know what would happen to her now.

Thinking of this, she suddenly thought of Xingluo, and felt a sharp pain in her heart.

Even she survived so dangerously, what about the star drop?He is just an ordinary kid without any protoss magic power.

"Let's find a way to get out of here first." Wujiang seemed to see what was on her mind, "Don't worry, that monster didn't intend to kill people, otherwise it wouldn't bother to bring us here."

Hua Xi nodded, because of this, she had a glimmer of hope.

Wujiang wanted to stand up, but suddenly swayed and fell down again.

"How are you?" Hua Xi hurriedly supported him, "Take a rest first, I'm not used to it after being in a coma for too long."

"No..." Wujiang lowered his head and murmured, "Something's wrong..."

Hua Xi looked at him puzzled, what's wrong?
"Do you know the Qinglian Purifying Mantra?" Wujiang suddenly asked without thinking.

"I know, this is one of your unique moves." Of course Hua Xi recognized it. When the newcomers were training that day, Wujiang relied on the Qinglian Purifying Mantra to collect countless spirit beads without a single soldier along the way.

"Qinglian Purifying Mantra can absorb the opponent's spiritual power without causing any damage. The feeling is similar to now."

Hearing this, Hua Xi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

"You mean..."

The space that the starlight illuminates is limited, except for the small area of ​​light around them, there is still boundless darkness in the distance.

"Our spiritual power is being slowly sucked away." Wujiang frowned slightly, raised his head, and looked around.

The starlight was reflected in his eyes, which had a different kind of brilliance.

The boundless darkness could not get close to him.

Hua Xi looked into his eyes and felt that she didn't have the slightest fear or worry. It was amazing. The feeling of Wujiang was like a plate of sandalwood that would never burn out.

"Where is this?" Hua Xi whispered.

Jing Wujiang said so, she seemed to be able to feel the spiritual power in her body slowly draining.

Although the speed was very slow, exactly the same as the speed at which spiritual power flows through the body in normal times, she could still feel it.

Spirit power is disappearing...

After being noticed by them, the speed of disappearance seems to be accelerated!
Hua Xi tried to mobilize her internal breath and control her spiritual power, but there was no way.

In the body, even the black energy of the Underworld Forbidden Technique is slowly disappearing.

"Wujiang, is there any way?" Hua Xi couldn't help asking.

Wujiang shook his head, "No."

"Then do we have to wait to die?" Once the spiritual power is completely exhausted, if they encounter an ordinary spirit beast at that time, they will all die.

Wujiang held his breath and looked around. The two were sitting cross-legged, back to back.

Because once you walk and move, your spiritual power will be lost faster!
"Hehehe, they are really smart, they actually discovered it."

"Hehe, hehehe, but there's nothing I can do about it."

"It's too late!"

In the darkness, there was suddenly giggling laughter, a bit harsh, it seemed that there were quite a few people around!

(End of this chapter)

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