Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 589 Demon Princess [3]

Chapter 589 Demon Princess [3]

Hua Xi was taken aback, so this princess is very merciful to the human race?It's not like a demon.

No wonder... So, is she really helping her?

"How could it be? Lan'er, you think too much. What's more, the human race has never invaded the demon race, so why should we embarrass them?" Wang Fei said earnestly.

"Humans don't dare to invade us? That's because they have no guts! But those cultivating sects of the human race look down on us demons!"

Princess Fenglan curled her lips, and smiled again, "Mother, you don't know, these human races caught this time are not ordinary, they are sent by the god king."

"Sent by the god king?" The princess was slightly surprised.

"That's right, if we hadn't gotten the news in advance and caught them, I don't know what news they are going to go back to. The God King gave them different summoning swords, which are very powerful together. Now we separate them Catch them, use different methods to deal with them, if you can lead them into the magic way, it will be a great shame to the king of God!"

Hua Xi narrowed her eyes, did they get the news in advance?Also know their summoning sword?
Could it be that there are spies?

"It may not be a good thing to anger the god king." The princess said worriedly, "the demons have no way to fight against the gods at present."

"As for this, mother doesn't have to worry. In the past few days, my brother and several other domain masters are discussing the important event of welcoming the birth of the devil king, and it is almost done!"

"Lan'er, what's wrong with living a stable life today?" The princess sighed.

"We have been oppressed by the protoss for thousands of years! It's time to resist! Are we hiding in this dark and dark world for the rest of our lives?"

Princess Fenglan snorted, and acted like a baby again: "Mother, don't be afraid, there is a brother here."

"Of course I'm not afraid, I'm just worried about you."

"What's there to worry about? Is mother going to sleep? I don't know if that human race has come in. Let my people search everywhere first."

"How can I run in, I don't have any hiding place here."

Although the concubine said so, Princess Fenglan still asked her people to search the closet screen and other places.

"Princess, no one!"

"That's good, so I can let my mother rest at ease!" Princess Feng Lan stood up, turned around and glanced at the curtain, and suddenly said 'huh'.

Hua Xi's heart immediately rose to her throat, and she secretly clenched her fists!

The princess also became nervous, and asked with a smile, "What's the matter?"

Princess Fenglan moved her face closer, her action made the princess almost want to push her away.

Hua Xi also looked at the approaching shadow outside, and her heart beat faster.

"This green lotus on the curtain of my mother is really beautiful." Princess Feng Lan looked at the green lotus embroidered on the curtain with a smile, "This kind of flower cannot grow in the devil world."

It turned out to be a false alarm... just looking at a flower.

Almost scared to death...

"Yes, green lotus is a holy flower, the most common in Buddhism." Wang Hao said with a smile.

"Do monks like this kind of flower?" Princess Fenglan asked.

"I probably like them all."

"I really hope that one day, I can see green lotuses in full bloom in the Demon Realm." Princess Feng Lan said with her head tilted.

The princess smiled slightly, her gentle face was very kind.

She is a beautiful woman, even though she is a little older, she still has an aura that is out of the ordinary and incompatible with the darkness of the devil world.

Princess Fenglan looks a bit like her, but her temperament is completely different.

(End of this chapter)

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