Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 599 Yellow Spring Waterfall [4]

Chapter 599 Yellow Spring Waterfall [4]

Hua Xi sat down and found some ready-made talisman papers in Wu Na Talisman, "I don't have much time, so I can only refine some low-level but practical talismans."

The most important thing is to reserve spiritual power. She is very short of spiritual power now. Although the Forbidden Art of Underworld is already normal, she still needs to replenish her spiritual power.

Na Ling Talisman, replenish spiritual power.

Hidden Qi Talisman, eliminates the human breath on the body.

Liujia talisman, increase the body's defense ability and form a layer of armor!
Amulet, increase speed.

There are also some simple attack meta symbols.

Hua Xi closed her eyes and concentrated on refining.

In the beast sealing talisman, the black water snake was swimming slowly.

"Are you still going to the Demon Realm?"



"My friend is still inside." There was no wavering voice.

"Friend?" Blackwater Xuan Snake sneered, "Hua Xi, you have the blood of the demon race, but you don't have the cold-blooded evil of the demon race..."

"I'm not a demon!"

"This is reality, why are you always unwilling to admit it?"

Hua Xi was silent for a while, and said: "Do you know that everyone has a belief? When I was very young, my belief was to quickly become strong and protect my sister, but my sister was lost forever. My belief Suddenly there was no goal."

"Later, I thought, I should become stronger. Nothing can hit me. At least I can live freely. To live is my belief. But Gu Yue's betrayal made me die."

"Later, when I came here, everything started again. I had relatives and friends by my side. I didn't want to lose these. I longed for the light of the Nine Heavens, but the blood of the demons was like a gate, closing them all. .”

"I know this is fate, but why should I accept it? I don't believe that fate can really control my life. If I can't reject fate, then I will spend my whole life resisting him!"

The black water mysterious snake listened silently, and suddenly sighed.

"Who can resist fate? For thousands of years, I have never seen anyone succeed."

"Even if there is a cliff in front of me, if I take a wrong step, I will fall and be smashed to pieces. I will give it a try."

"Aren't you afraid of dying?"

"Death? Why should I be afraid? One day, I will make death and fate fear me!"

Hua Xi stood up suddenly, put away the refined charm, and said to Jinfeng: "Let's go!"

Jinfeng was dozing off on the ambush, when he heard this, he jumped up, "Here, are you leaving now?"

"Yeah." Hua Xi nodded, looked at the sleepy Xing Zhui, and said to Fu Zhan: "Take good care of him, we will come back safely!"

Fu Zhan nodded, looking at them reluctantly: "You must be careful."

Hua Xi turned around resolutely and walked upstream along the small river.

Soon, Jinfeng also caught up.

"How do you plan to enter the Demon Realm?" Jin Feng asked.

"Go to the gate of the demon world to see if there is any chance of breakthrough, we can disguise..."

"Don't be so troublesome, I know there is a small path that can be lurked in, but it is very dangerous, and you may encounter some monsters."

"Let's go." Without hesitation, Hua Xi immediately decided to take the path that Jin Feng knew.

Riding the Juque sword, he moved forward quickly, and kept going upstream against the small river. The terrain became more and more trembling, and the mountains became higher and higher, with a drop of nearly a thousand meters.

They are still flying upwards.

Facing the wind, Jinfeng's colorful chicken feathers fluttered and fluttered. Among the huge mountains, they looked very small.

(End of this chapter)

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