Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 612 Ten Thousand Insect Demon Gu [3]

Chapter 612 Ten Thousand Insect Demon Gu [3]

Suddenly, when she was looking down on the first floor, she suddenly saw a magic eye of wind at the bottom!
That's it!She immediately ran down quickly.

The ground is dark and damp, with torches lit on both sides, a barrier released from the Demon Eye of Wind.

The moment Hua Xi saw the situation in the barrier, she almost screamed!The hairs all over his body stood on end, and he took a step back in fright.

Bugs, lots of bugs...

Densely dense, black and dense, all wriggling together.

The worms had sharp teeth, each as thick as a finger, all gathered in the barrier, one pressing the other.

A woman suddenly fell into the eyes of the Wind Demon. When the woman saw the bugs all over the ground, she almost went crazy with fright, and yelled crazily.

"Help! Help!"

However, as soon as she appeared, those bugs crazily crawled towards her, climbed onto her body and began to bite.

"No! Help!" the woman yelled, and suddenly ran towards a black-clothed boy in the corner of the barrier.

"Help me! Help me!" The woman threw herself at the boy.

The young man raised his head, with pale face and panicked eyes, he glanced at her, but remained motionless.

Beside him, there was a blackened corpse, and the insects crawling on it were also dead.

There are countless bugs in the barrier, but none of them approach him, and they will automatically avoid him when they crawl to his side.

"Help me! Help me! Please help me!" The woman cried and called out to him, her body was overwhelmed by the insects, and was soon overwhelmed by dense insects.

And that young man stared blankly at her, his expression gradually changed from fear to dullness.

Obviously he can keep that woman from being eaten by bugs, as long as that woman comes to him.

But if you come to him, you will die even worse...

He didn't dare to save him, and he couldn't save them. Many people who fell were eaten by bugs, and they all called him for help...

"Your Excellency Shuoyue!" Hua Xi patted the barrier and called his name.

Shuo Yue was startled, raised her head hastily, with empty eyes, it took a long time to see Hua Xi.

"Hua Xi..." He ran over immediately, and the bugs retreated one after another, lingering around him, not daring to approach him.

There were a lot of bones piled up on the ground, all of which were gnawed away by insects, leaving only a skeleton.

He stood in the barrier, still looking at Hua Xi from a distance.

The cap of the cloak had been pulled down, and it was the first time that Hua Xi saw his face completely exposed.

She has short hair, handsome eyebrows, and because she has been with poison all year round, her face is pale and pale.

There was some panic and bewilderment in his expression, he said: "I don't want to kill him..."

The blackened corpse beside him was swollen, pus and blood were bleeding from his body, and his expression was grim and terrifying. Before he died, he must have been tortured terribly by poison.

"I know, you just want to save him." Hua Xi looked at the disgusting bug inside and said, "Don't be afraid, I'll save you."

"It's useless, this enchantment can only be opened through the Demon Eye of Wind." Shuo Yuehan said anxiously, a look that was about to collapse appeared in his eyes.

I have been watching my own kind being devoured by bugs, but I can't save them.

In his nature, he was not cultivated by the Shuoyue family to be a cold and evil poison. He knew that he was covered in poison, so he never got close to anyone.

He was just afraid of hurting others, even though others were afraid of him and said he was a monster, he still didn't hurt anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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