Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 617 Magic Seal Master [3]

Chapter 617 Magic Seal Master [3]

"I've checked. There's a Wind Demon Eye in the dungeon. It's full of disgusting bugs. My friend was locked in it."

"Ten Thousand Insect Demon Gu?" Feng Yueyan said in surprise, "How is it possible? Being locked in Ten Thousand Insect Demon Gu, should have been devoured by insects long ago."

"He is quite special. I already have a way to save him. There is also a little monk who must have been captured by Princess Fenglan."

"Little monk?" Feng Yueyan recalled, "I haven't heard of it."

Hua Xi was a little disappointed. Princess Fenglan and Fengyueyan had a harmonious relationship with their mother and daughter. She had never heard of it, and it seemed that it was well hidden.

"There is another person who was captured by the domain master of Feng Yu. I can't enter the palace of the domain master. Can you help me find it?"

"Yes, you are my daughter, I can do anything for you." Feng Yueyan smiled slightly, "Hua Xi, you..."

"Thank you, Princess, you have helped me a lot, and I will definitely repay you in the future!" Hua Xi said before she could speak.

Feng Yueyan was startled, and suddenly said: "Did you still refuse to recognize me as your mother?"

Hua Xi stood up and said, "Sorry, I can't accept that I am a demon now, this happened too suddenly."

"I understand, you need time." Feng Yueyan looked at her with tears in her eyes, "It's okay, if you need help, just ask me."

Hua Xi nodded, and she took out another black token and gave it to her, "This token represents me. In the devil world, no matter where you go, no one will stop you."

"Does it work even outside the wind?" Hua Xi glanced curiously, a little heavy, with the imprint of wind on it.

"In the devil world, it works."

"Thank you very much." Hua Xi put away the token, this thing might come in handy at a critical time.

"You go to my room to rest for a while. You look very tired."

"No, I'm not tired, I don't have much time, can I go see the domain master of Feng Yu now?" Hua Xi cheered up, time is so short, how can it be wasted on rest?
"Yes." Feng Yueyan looked at her firm expression, and stopped persuading her, "Come with me."

Outside the domain master's palace, there were guards inside and out, and they were a little surprised to see Feng Yueyan coming.

"Princess, why are you here?" A guard hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

High-level demons are usually in normal human form, so these guards should be of high level.

"Can't I come?" Feng Yueyan asked coldly.

"Of course not! The domain master must be very happy that you can come." The guard said respectfully, "Princess, please."

The guard looked flattered, probably the princess never came here.

Hua Xi lowered her head and followed behind, her dark face made the guards take another look, but she didn't dare to interrogate her.

After entering smoothly, Hua Xi found that the inside was very big, and it was not easy to find someone.

"Let me inquire with the domain master." Feng Yueyan walked straight to the main hall in the middle.

As soon as he walked outside the hall, he heard the sound of laughter coming from inside.

"I can't think of a mere human girl who has the ability to mess up Fengyu! Hahahaha!"

Hua Xi was startled, this voice...

There is evil in her arrogance, like the demon who bit her!
"Why does the Lord of the Fire Domain speak sarcastic words? At present, the God King has entered the Demon Realm, and I am afraid that in the days to come, everyone will not be too safe."

"Who told you, Feng Yu, to provoke the people of the God King? I have already said that they are just a group of young children. Just let them go around outside and go back."

(End of this chapter)

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