Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 652 Worshiping Marriage [2]

Chapter 652 Worshiping Marriage [2]

"Ah!" With an exclamation, the shadow fell from a tree, and before he could get up, a huge sword lay across his neck.

"He ran very fast." Hua Xi sneered, "Why don't you run away?"

The man turned slowly and stared at her.

Seeing his face, Hua Xi couldn't help but startled for a moment. Looking at his back earlier, she thought it was a young guy, but she didn't expect it to be a short old man.

Wrinkled face, gray hair, a pair of shrewd and sharp eyes.

"Sorry, old man, I just came in to look for someone, you didn't hurt yourself, did you?"

If she knew that the other party was so old, she wouldn't have shot so hard.

The other party just ran away and didn't hurt her, so there was no need to hit hard.

The little old man got up slowly, snorted, and patted the moss on his body.

"There is no one you are looking for here, go back!" He said unreasonably, his voice was like a duck quacking.

Holding the sword, Hua Xi said with a slight smile: "If there is no one I'm looking for, why did you run away just now?"

"I don't want to see people from outside!" The short old man was very stubborn.

Hua Xi squatted down, and her height was basically equal to his. She smiled innocently, "Old man, I have never shot at the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, but it doesn't mean that I really don't know how to hit people."

Although she smiled when she spoke, it made people hear a cold threat.

The little old man couldn't help but said angrily: "If you don't have it, you won't have it, and you didn't even threaten the old man!"

"In this case, I'll use the tracer to follow your aura to see if there is anyone in your home." Hua Xi still said with a smile.

"You, are you a charmer?" The little old man's eyes widened.

"Exactly." Hua Xi nodded with a smile, and took out a piece of talisman paper from the Wu Na Talisman, "If you really have my friends, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Wait, who are you looking for?" the little old man asked quickly.

"A young monk."

"Just a monk?" the little old man asked uncertainly.

Hua Xi thought for a moment, guessing that Shenyue Qianhe might have been caught by him, but the other party obviously cared about Shenyue Qianhe.

In order to find them, Hua Xi decided not to startle the snake.

"Originally there was a woman, but that person had a grudge against me, so I don't want to care about her life! I only look for the young monk."

"Okay, you are a charmer, I believe in you, come with me." The little old man turned and walked forward.

Hua Xi followed him and walked in the woods for a long time, and then there was a cave.

"Close your eyes!" said the little old man.

Hua Xi can perceive many things without seeing with eyes, so she closed her eyes without saying anything.

The little old man groped around the cave for a while, Hua Xi heard the sound of a stone door opening, and then the little old man walked in.

"Come in." Hua Xi followed in, the stone door closed behind him, and after walking for a while, suddenly there was light outside his eyelids.

She opened her eyes, and what came into view were several fruit trees. The trees were full of fruits, bearing red peaches and apples. The fruit trees passed by and it was a fertile field.

Old cows plow the land, women grow vegetables,
On the opposite side of the fertile fields, there is a small village with smoke curling up from the kitchen.

Hua Xi couldn't help being taken aback, she never expected to return to a paradise.

The little old man led her to walk on the ridge of the field. Several women working in the fields raised their heads and were amazed when they saw Hua Xi.

"Uncle Mu, the daughter-in-law you married to your grandson is really as beautiful as the other!"

(End of this chapter)

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