Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 658 5 Predecessors [3]

Chapter 658 Fifteen Predecessors [3]

"Oh? You've seen me?" Hua Xi smiled.

Hearing her voice, Mu Liang was startled: "You, why are you..."

"I'm not someone you've met before, my name is Hua Xi." Hua Xi said gently.

"You really look alike..." Mu Liang murmured, "It's so similar, is there any relationship between you?"

"I don't know, who are you talking about?"

"I don't know who he is, he just asked me to help him, and then he kept pressing my neck, saying sorry to me, I can't resist, he is a spell master!" Thinking of the situation at that time, Mu Liang Still have lingering fear.

That person must have sealed half of the totem on the back of Mu Liang's neck.

"Then do you know where he went after that?"

"I don't know, it hurt so much at the time, I passed out... Then I woke up and saw you..." Mu Liang looked around uncertainly, and when he saw old man Mu, his eyes suddenly turned red, "Grandpa, you Why do you have so many white hairs?"

Old man Mu couldn't help it for a while, and cried with his head in his arms.

Mu Liang was at a loss, looking at Hua Xi, vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"What's going on? What happened?" he asked in a panic.

Hua Xi also felt sad for 15 years without knowing anything, wasting 15 years in vain.

From the age of 16 to the age of 31, the most youthful and brightest time, he spent unconsciously.

"You have been in a coma for a long time." Hua Xi could only say.

"How long?" Mu Liang asked with red eyes.

Hua Xi glanced at old man Mu, and said, "15 years."

Mu Liang was stunned for a moment, and at that moment, he seemed to turn back into that fool again, his eyes were empty and out of focus, and he didn't know what to do.

He lowered his head, looked at his hands, raised his head again, and asked old man Mu: "Then, where is Fangfang?"

"She's married." Old man Mu couldn't bear it, so he said it anyway.

Mu Liang's tears suddenly fell, and the man in his thirties covered his face and began to cry.

"It's settled, I'll go to her house to propose marriage when I come back from hunting..." Mu Liang broke down in tears.

15 years... How many people can spend 15 years like this?

Hua Xi was a little moved. Could the person Mu Liang mentioned have something to do with her?

She waited for Mu Liang's mood to gradually calm down before asking, "Did that person say anything else?"

"That man, if he's still alive, I, I must take him..." Mu Liang clenched his fists, "He's ruined my life! I won't forgive him!"

Hua Xi was taken aback, it was understandable that he was emotional.

But that person is a spell master, so it may not be so easy to deal with.

"You and him look so similar, you must be related! Where is he? Let me seek revenge on him!" Mu Liang said fiercely and excitedly.

"How could I have anything to do with him? If it was, I wouldn't have come to ask you." Hua Xi was extremely calm.

Mu Liang stayed for a while, yes, if she knew where that person was, she wouldn't come to ask him.

"Have I been harmed by him for the past 15 years?" Mu Liang said unwillingly.

"I also sympathize with you, but nothing can make up for your 15 years, but I am a spell master, if you need anything, you can ask me for help. I am from Fengxi Country."

"Feng Xiguo..." Mu Liang shook his head, "Then you really have nothing to do with him."

"how do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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