Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 660 Starry Night Talk [1]

Chapter 660 Starry Night Talk [1]

"I don't want her! I only have Fangfang in my heart!" Mu Liang said firmly.

After regaining his sanity, he was no longer that fool who only wanted to marry a wife.

He has more things on his mind!

"Hey... In that case, take her away, my lord, so as not to bring disaster to the village in the future." Old man Mu sighed and said.

"Okay, I'll take her away." Hua Xi walked over, took Shenyue Qianhe's hand, and helped her limp up.

This woman is so heavy!
No matter, just throw it away after you go out, as long as you don't cause trouble for them.

She supported Shenyue Qianhe, and was sent out of the village by old man Mu. She walked a long way from the cave, intending to find a place to put her down casually.

"Hmm..." With a soft moan, Shenyue Qianhe slowly regained consciousness at this time.

Seeing the rickety road under my feet, my eyes were blurred and I couldn't see anything clearly.

"Don't touch me..." she murmured, "Go away, man..."

"The witch in the Palace of Joy is so chaste, it's impressive." Hua Xi smiled coldly.

Hearing this laughter, Shenyue Qianhe's consciousness came back little by little, gradually taking shape in his mind.

She raised her head, saw the playful smile on Hua Xi's face, suddenly screamed, and reached out to grab her face.

Facing her in such a situation, Hua Xi easily dodged her hand, pushed her out by the way, and clapped her hands.

"It's really not easy to help you out, you're dead."

"Who asked you to save me? Who cares about you saving me? Do you think I can't get out without you?" Shenyue Qianhe yelled furiously.

"Who said I saved you? Don't be misunderstood! It was that man who didn't want you, and asked me to take you out and throw you away."

"You nonsense! No man in this world dares to reject me! Only I threw them away! Trample them!" Because of her roar, a hideous expression appeared on her extremely beautiful face.

This woman must have spoiled many men before to practice the Jubilation Art for her.

"Tsk tsk, it's really a joyous event to be married." Hua Xi just smiled softly.

Shenyue Qianhe's frenzied and ferocious face suddenly turned as white as snow, and after three seconds of being stunned, his eyes gradually turned red, and he bit his lip fiercely.

"What kind of worship is that? That fool, what right does he have to marry me?" She still said arrogantly.

"What's done is done, why deny it?" Hua Xi didn't want to continue to pay attention to her, and she was kind enough to bring her out.

After all, they are the ones chosen by the emperor, maybe there is a hidden secret, it would be bad if one of the five of them is missing.

Otherwise, just leave her in the village, old man Mu and the others will naturally deal with it.

Hua Xi waved his hand, and walked forward by himself.

Shenyue Qianhe was so soft that she leaned against the trunk of a tree, panting heavily.

"Mo Huaxi! This is the greatest shame in my life, I will not let you go!"

Outside the woods, on a cliff protruding obliquely by the Huangquan River, a huge black three-headed monster was flying around the cliff.

On the cliff, stood two people, one white and one black, waiting silently.

Hua Xi Yujian left the forest and flew into the air.

As soon as the red ass beast saw her, it swooped down from a high altitude and made a gesture to pounce on her.

Hua Xi turned green with fright when she saw it, and hurriedly used the Juque Sword to dodge it urgently, almost like fleeing for her life!
I can't stand such a warm welcome!

(End of this chapter)

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