Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 664 Short-lived Love [1]

Chapter 664 Short-lived Love [1]

"Hmm..." Hua Xi replied in a daze.

Xingluo raised her head and found that she had closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"Hua Xi..." Xingzhui slowly leaned into her arms, "For 9000 years, whenever I think of you, I will put a star in the Milky Way. How many stars are there in the billions of stars? Is it my miss?"

This night was very quiet, the group of people fell asleep peacefully, while the red ass beast squatted on the ground, raised its head hard, looked at the starry sky fascinatedly, and stayed up all night.

The conversation between Hua Xi and Xing Sui had ended, and both of them fell asleep one after another.

At this time, there was another person who hadn't slept all night, and slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at Hua Xi and Xing Zhui who were sleeping, they were puzzled.

9000 years?Tianhe?Star?
Looking fixed on Xingzhuo's overly pretty little face, Long Ganyue's eyes slowly revealed an expression of disbelief.

The only ones whose lifespan exceeds 9000 years are the gods, and the only one who can control the stars in Tianhe is the star god except Dijun Chongxi.

Could this child named Xingzhui be that star god?
It doesn't look like it looks at all.

Moreover, that Star God has already been ranked as the High God. In the God Realm, the status of the High God is already extremely high, so noble, why did he come to the human world, to Hua Xi's side?

What does this have to do with the 9000 years he said?
According to legend, the relationship between that star god and Emperor Chongxi is very unusual...

Long Ganyue couldn't sleep, and had been practicing silently, that's why he overheard Hua Xi and Xingzhui's conversation by chance.

Unexpectedly, a seemingly big secret will be discovered...

After he goes back, he must do a good job of looking up things about the Star God.

When they came, they chose to ride horses in order to hide their whereabouts cautiously. Naturally, it would not be so troublesome to go back. They flew directly with their swords and soon arrived at Jialan City.

This time, as the first mission of the rookie team, to investigate the situation of the Sunset Mountains, it can be said that it has exceeded the quota.

Because not only did they reach the edge of the Sunset Mountain Range, they all even entered the Demon Realm.

For thousands of years, the Demon Realm has been sealed off from the Sunset Mountains and has become the most unfathomable race among the six realms. Even the Protoss seldom know the situation inside the Demon Realm.

What they experienced and what they saw and heard this time is really precious.

Therefore, as soon as they returned to Jialan City, they were called into the temple by the national teacher before they even had time to return home.

In the side hall, twelve screens were placed to cover the people behind.

As for the national teacher, he asked them everything about the trip to the devil world in detail, but in fact, he asked the people behind the screen to listen.

Who is it that takes such a lot of trouble?
Could it be Chongxi?

But when he comes, there is no need to block himself like this, they have all seen him.

Several people told the truth about what they had experienced, only Wujiang and Huaxi concealed their experience from the Demon Eye of Wind.

Although they didn't do anything wrong, there is no benefit in talking about this kind of thing, and there is no harm in not talking about it, so it is better not to say it.

"Why is there one person missing?"

Suddenly, an old but deep voice sounded from behind the screen, majestic and deep, like a well-written law, inviolable!

Not Chongxi...

"There is another girl who was injured and is still recuperating, so it is inconvenient to come to see Mingzun." Lu Lian said with her head slightly lowered.

Mingzun... who is the god?

(End of this chapter)

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