Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 703 Conferring the Marquis and Worshiping the Prime Minister [5]

Chapter 703 Conferring the Marquis and Worshiping the Prime Minister [5]


The Howling Cloud Tiger is indeed unrivaled in bravery, rushing forward as if not afraid of death, but the strange black flame of the black flame warhorse is quite powerful, if it touches a little bit, it will devour it endlessly!
Xiao Yunhu couldn't avoid the black flame warhorse commanded by Hua Xi at all!
Once the flame is touched, it will never stop unless the soul is burned out!

Jiang Shiying turned pale with shock, and quickly turned from Xiao Yunhu's back, waving the spear in a semicircle in his hand, but he could never break through within two meters in front of Hua Xi.

Every time the heavy Juque sword collided with the spear, his hand seemed to be cut off by someone!
His complexion became more and more ferocious, and all his spiritual power burst out!

Xiao Yunhu's screams became more and more terrifying, as if he had been swallowed by the black flames!
Even if the summoned beast dies, the summoner cannot survive!

That being the case, it's death anyway, and if you want to die, you have to kill this stinky girl!

In the blink of an eye, those surging around his body were suddenly gathered into his body, and red spiritual power appeared faintly in his eyes!
The talent in the red realm also wants to die with her?

Hua Xi held the Juque Sword in one hand, and drew symbols out of thin air with the other!

The purple and red spiritual power complement each other, forming radiant runes in mid-air!
Jiang Shijie's eyes widened, Hua Xi stood outside the rune and smiled coldly at him.

If the radiance on the rune is higher than that, it will swallow him together with the Xiaoyunhu!
"Don't be complacent! After destroying our Pingnan Palace, there will be even more terrifying opponents! It's just a charmer! That person will definitely come to control you! Your fate will be the same as that of Young Master Ji Yue!"

At the moment of death, Jiang Shiying yelled hysterically.

Slightly startled, that the same person that Long Ganyue told her about before.

control?It turns out that the young master Ji Yue has been controlled by someone?

With a wave of Hua Xi's hand, the rune returned to her hand, and she threw it into the mouth of the black flame horse.

He was covered in black flames, and golden spiritual power was faintly mixed in the black flames, which was quite different from his original appearance!

She has been nourishing him with the spiritual power of her body, and only recently discovered that he is actually a beast that will always evolve!

The Black Flame Warhorse, which was originally a twelfth-order spirit beast, has now successfully evolved into a first-order beast!

And the black flame war horse completely succumbed to her, because this master is obviously much stronger than Naluo Xuanyin!
With a powerful master, his own strength will also increase rapidly, so why not do it?

"Go back." With a move of his hand, the black flame horse returned to the beast sealing talisman.

Hua Xi slowly landed on the ground, and glanced at the group of generals with clear eyes.

Seeing the effortless method she used to deal with Jiang Shiying just now, the generals who have fought in the battlefield for many years can't help but feel admiration.

"Thank you for your cooperation. Now, Hua Xi, I will intercede with the emperor to spare you all the guilt." Hua Xi smiled slightly.

Both kindness and majesty, these people quickly thanked.

Hua Xi turned around and stepped onto the bloody BMW that Jiang Shiying was sitting on just now, pulled up the reins, and said to Shuo Yue Hanyou: "Your Excellency Shuo Yue, I will leave this place to you."

Shuo Yue Hanyou nodded. He also heard what Jiang Shiying said just now before he died. He wanted to say something, but because he was not good at words, he could only say: "Be careful."

Hua Xi understood exactly what he wanted to express, and whispered 'thank you' before turning his horse's head and leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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