Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 708 Young Master Appears [2]

Chapter 708 Young Master Appears [2]

Without makeup, plus day and night of torture, her face has shown signs of aging.

The hair on the sideburns is also a little white.

The rapid destruction of Wang Pingnan's family made the queen's biggest backer collapse instantly, and at this moment, she could only rely on the person behind the scenes to rescue her.

But if Ruo really wanted to save her, he wouldn't let her fend for herself here.

Even the young master Ji Yue didn't show up.

"Empress Yuan, you're not feeling well these few days." Hua Xi smiled slightly, "How about it, do you need me to find you a man?"

"Get lost! Do you think this palace will be under your control? Impossible!" The queen roared excitedly, her face flushed in embarrassment.

"Is it really not necessary?" Hua Xi pursed her lips, "Forget it, you can bear it so slowly, maybe someone will come to save you."

Empress Yuan's lips trembled, and she looked at her angrily, "Don't be complacent! You won't be better than me! Charm master? What's the big deal!?"

"You have been controlling the young master Ji Yue all this time, do you think that all spell masters will listen to you like him?"

Hua Xi's eyes sank slightly, she raised her hand, and a faint light shot in from the spell formation, hitting the queen hard on the face.

She was stunned, and then she was startled to see the blood on her face, and then she saw such a big scar on her face from the transparent spell array!
"My face! My face!" She yelled frantically, rushing forward regardless, but every time she was blocked by the array of spells.

"Tell me who is the person behind the scenes? Otherwise, I will destroy the things you care about most!" Hua Xi said fiercely.

"I won't even say it when I die! He will never let you go! No matter how miserable my death is, I know that you will be ten thousand times worse than me!" Yuan Hou still refused to say it.

There was fear and awe in her eyes, it wasn't that she didn't want to, but that she didn't dare. Even when she died tragically, she didn't dare to tell who that person was.

Could the person who can make Empress Yuan so fearful be the Protoss?
"Empress Yuan, although your Jiang family is finished, there is still the crown prince." Hua Xi pulled the corners of his lips coldly.

Empress Yuan was stunned, and suddenly two lines of tears welled up in her eyes, rushing away the blood flowing across her face.

"My Yu'er, him, how is he?"

This Empress Yuan's heart is so vicious, but she really loves Long Ganyu.

"He has been troubled by you very badly, the emperor means that he will be abolished soon, maybe he will be imprisoned."

"No!" The queen yelled hysterically, "Yu'er is not wrong! He doesn't know anything! He even hates King Pingnan very much! Yu'er is innocent!"

"Innocent? How many people are innocent? Young Master Ji Yue is innocent too, and I am innocent too."

Hua Xi sneered, Long Ganyu might be better off without him as a mother.

Empress Yuan's complexion was as white as snow, and half of her cheek was bleeding, she shook her lips: "I'm going out, as long as he rescues me..."

"If he wanted to save you, he wouldn't wait until today, and he wouldn't just sit back and watch Pingnan Palace be destroyed. To put it bluntly, he has already given up on you as a pawn." Hua Xi said coldly.

"No!" Empress Yuan said firmly, "I still control Ji Yue, how could he give up on me?"

"Perhaps, he is ready to give up even Young Master Ji Yue." Hua Xi couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

is that so?The man remained silent all this time, did he abandon son Ji Yue?

(End of this chapter)

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