Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 713 Mixed blood [3]

Chapter 713 Mixed blood [3]

"Cut?" Hua Xi rolled his eyes, "How do you know?"

"I'm leaving, who will cover you with the quilt at night?" Xingzhuo said.

Hua Xi was startled, and slowly swallowed back the words that she wanted to ridicule him.

He actually knew that she would kick the quilt when she sleeps at night, and even helped her cover the quilt...

No wonder, ever since he leaned on her, every time she wakes up from sleep, the quilt is on her body.

Brat, you have a conscience!
But even so, you can't easily indulge his shamelessness!
"In the future, if you dare to insult me ​​again, I will spank your ass severely. Do you hear me? I will do what I say!" Hua Xi said seriously.

Xingzhui lazily replied: "Oh."

What a stupid woman, did she think he was as stupid as she was?

He belittled her, of course not when she could find out.

Asleep, who knows?

Using the prime minister's power, Shen Huaixu gave Hua Xi the information about the other eleven spellcasters on the mainland that had been sealed in the palace.

Now the emperor trusts them very much, and they can also view the secret files in the palace at will.

Hua Xi, on the other hand, was allowed to walk freely in the palace.

After all, Dugu Mansion is in the suburbs, it is too far away from the imperial palace, so the emperor gave them the seized Pingnan Palace.

When the Pingnan Palace was ransacked, there were so many gold, silver and jewellery, antique jades, elixirs, crystals, spells and treasures that even the national treasury couldn't hold them.

The luxury of the Pingnan Palace is jaw-dropping. The specifications of the building are second only to the imperial palace.

For the convenience of future actions, Hua Xi told Shen Huaixu to accept without refusing.

But Dugufeng was afraid that Pingnan Wangfu's soul would be scattered, so he even invited eminent monks from the White Horse Temple to perform a few religious ceremonies.

Now the monks outside are still chanting scriptures, so Hua Xi sits alone in a small independent courtyard, looking through the materials of those spell masters.

Apart from her and the young master Ji Yue, there were ten spellcasters in total, one of them was a demigod, a hybrid of god and man, with amazing talent.

The other nine have no record of their ancestry.

Charm masters are really too rare professions, and many spell masters are afraid of being controlled by masters, and choose to live a low-key and mysterious life. Before they become famous, they will never show up easily.

And none of those who have shown talent since childhood can escape the fate of being controlled.

Young master Ji Yue is one, and the demigod is also under control.

Sure enough, a mixed-race spellcaster is what that person needs.

Hua Xi put down the materials. Although there were only a few pages in total, she read them carefully for an hour.

Her eyes were a little sore, she rubbed her temples, it was noon and the sun was shining brightly.

She raised her head and saw a figure in purple robe sitting on a swing covered with green vines in the yard, swinging gently.

The bright sunlight fell on him, as if he didn't dare to get close, it could only form a dazzling halo, dyed into seven colors, surrounding his body.

While the swing was swaying, his hair fluttered in the light, and the hem of his complicated clothes fluttered in the air, like a huge purple lotus blooming in the wind.

That's true...can't look away.

When she gradually came back to her senses, the swing of the swing had stopped, and someone was sitting on it, leaning against the green vine on one side, looking at her with a half-smile.

"What are you looking at so preoccupied?"

Those ordinary green vines, against his background, are like the finest emeralds, worth thousands of gold.

(End of this chapter)

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