Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 720 Under the Marriage Tree [5]

Chapter 720 Under the Marriage Tree [5]

"Seventh Prince, what are you thinking?" In the carriage, Luo Xuanshuang sat kneeling on the cushion, anxiously watching Long Ganyue's gloomy expression from the moment he got into the carriage.

Although they looked very harmonious on the outside, when it was just the two of them, she was very afraid of him and would never dare to approach him.

Long Ganyue leaned against a soft cushion, one leg was slightly bent, her handsome face was expressionless and gloomy.

In that way, he didn't seem to have the slightest warmth in his usual life, just like Shura from hell.

Luo Xuanshuang's heart beat faster, and she was uneasy, but mixed with admiration for him.

To make him happy, Luo Xuanshuang said: "Prince Pingnan really deserves it. Unexpectedly, he would be so stupid. He dared to conspire to usurp the throne and even assassinate the emperor. Now without them, the prince also lost his backer. Among the emperor's many princes , you are the best and most likely to ascend the throne."

Long Ganyue didn't show any interest, but narrowed his eyes coldly.

King Pingnan deserved it rightly. Only by offending Hua Xi would he bring about the disaster of destroying his family.

After thinking about what happened just now, the destruction of Pingnan Palace can also be explained.

How could it be such a coincidence that the national teacher suddenly told the emperor at that time that there was a strange light in the Pingnan Palace and asked the emperor to check it.

Presumably, without Chong Xi's instruction, the national teacher Lu Lian would not use such a method to lure the emperor to the Pingnan Palace.

The corner of his mouth raised involuntarily, and then he returned to gloomy and cold.

Hua Xi, she is really smart, she has eliminated the most powerful force in Fengxi Kingdom with such a quick and lightning-fast method.

"Seventh prince, now, I want to write a letter to the emperor, asking him to put some pressure on Feng Xiguo, so that the emperor will abolish Long Ganyu and make you the prince?"

"Need not."

Long Ganyue coldly rejected her kind proposal.

"However, the timing is just right, and my brother is also planning to ask the emperor to marry a woman from the Fengxi country to become the crown princess. By the way, the two countries will sign a contract, so we can raise conditions."

"I said, no need." Long Ganyue accentuated his tone coldly, and his whole body became more and more eerie.

Luo Xuanshuang was startled, her eyes suddenly turned red.

"Why don't you accept my kindness? I'm all for your sake!" She choked up and said.

Long Ganyue sneered, why do these women like to keep saying that they are thinking of him and want to help him, but he hates it so much?
When Hua Xi helped him, he was in a completely different mood, excited and looking forward to it, full of happiness.

Is it because he is tempted by Hua Xi?
No, it's not, it's because Hua Xi helped him, and never wanted to get anything from him.

But these women, without exception, all wanted him.

"Third princess, be quiet, if you are disobedient, what use will I keep you?" He said coldly.

Luo Xuanshuang bit her lip hard, and she knew very well that he just used her as a shield to block his desire to get closer to Hua Xi.

She is not reconciled, really not reconciled!
"I see, then our marriage..." Luo Xuanshuang looked at him expectantly.

The corner of Long Ganyue's mouth raised a sarcasm, "It's too early to talk about marriage, let's talk about it later."

Luo Xuanshuang's heart skipped a beat, she could feel his sarcasm, and knew that he didn't want to marry her at all.

How could this be?clearly agreed...

(End of this chapter)

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