Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 738 Under the Mask [1]

Chapter 738 Under the Mask [1]

"There is no princess in Fengxi Kingdom. The most suitable woman in Xiaowang's heart is Princess Pingcheng, and the other one is Miss Mo San, the younger sister of the Prime Minister of Fengxi Kingdom."

Luo Xuanyin held her head high and said the names of these two people without changing her face.

Externally, Shen Huaixu called Hua Xi his sister.

The emperor pondered without speaking, but Prince Rui fidgeted nervously.

Miss Mo San, that is a talisman master. After all these years, Fengxi Kingdom finally had a talisman master. How could the emperor let her go to Yunlei Kingdom with his relatives.

And Xun'er...

The emperor usually dotes on Xun'er so much, although it is out of sincere love, but compared to the interests of Fengxi Kingdom, the charmer and Xun'er are naturally more important than the charmer.

So this time, he was clearly ready to sacrifice Xun'er...

Prince Rui also only has this one daughter, how could he be willing to do so, besides, there are so many young girls in Fengxi Country, and there is no lack of noble ones.

"Your Majesty..." Prince Rui searched for words, "I feel that there are quite a few young girls of the right age in Fengxi Country..."

"Father." Before he finished speaking, Long Qianxun rushed to speak, "Since it's for Fengxi Country, I'm willing to go."

"Xun'er!" Prince Rui was shocked, and quickly covered her mouth, "Who will allow your child to intervene when the adults talk?"

"I'm not a child anymore." Long Qianxun pushed away Prince Rui's hand and stood up, "Your Majesty, Xun'er is willing to make a kiss!"

Luo Xuanyin turned to look at Long Qianxun, and smiled gracefully at herself.

Long Qianxun turned his eyes indifferently, showing no interest in him.

"Xun'er, are you really willing to go for a kiss?" The emperor's voice was heavy, as if he was burdened with something.

"Yes!" Long Qianxun replied without hesitation.

"Okay, after all these years, I have not loved you in vain. I immediately decreed that Xun'er will be made Princess Pingcheng and marry Yunlei Kingdom!"

The emperor, who had already made a decision in his heart, quickly made his will.

"Father, Xun'er is young and ignorant, how can she decide this kind of thing alone?" Long Ganyu stood up anxiously.

Since he was a child, he treated Xun'er like his own sister, how could he bear to watch her make a kiss?

"Brother Yu, I know what I'm doing." Long Qianxun turned his head and watched him smile sweetly, but the corner of his eye fell on Long Ganyue.

Long Ganyue raised his head slowly, with deep puzzlement in his eyes.

Long Qianxun was satisfied, that was enough, he was able to worry about her, which also showed that her efforts over the years were not in vain.

"Prince, don't worry, Princess Heingcheng will marry me to Yunlei Country, Xiao Wang will definitely not treat her badly." Luo Xuanyin stood up and said at the right time.

Long Ganyu snorted, still wanting to stop with fierce words, but was interrupted by Hua Xi's understatement.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, for making peace with Yunlei Kingdom. From then on, the people of Fengxi Kingdom will no longer have to suffer from wars."

"Hahaha!" The emperor laughed, "With Your Excellency's words, I feel more at ease."

Hua Xi smiled lightly, while Long Ganyu glared at her.

Hua Xi pretended not to see it at all, he was too young and too upright, he didn't know how to negotiate now, but the emperor had already made a decision.

What's the use of his objection?

Coming out of Qinzheng Hall, Long Ganyu caught up with Hua Xi in two or three steps.

"You can stop it, why don't you stop it?" He asked with a straight face.


"Why should I stop?"

(End of this chapter)

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