Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 742 Under the Mask [5]

Chapter 742 Under the Mask [5]

Hua Xi desperately ran over, raised her hand to summon the Xiutie Sword, and was about to leave.

Suddenly his arm was grabbed by a hand!

"Hua Xi!"

Long Ganyu's weak voice sounded behind him.

Hua Xi turned her head to look, her eyes were red.

She saw the clear light in Long Ganyu's eyes, just like before.

Has he regained his memory?
"It's Yue..." Long Ganyu said with difficulty, "Master Ji's... Long Ganyue..."


It was as if a thunderbolt struck from the top of his head, making Hua Xi stunned for an instant.

A teardrop rolled down quickly from his eyes and slid across his pale face.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Empress Yuan suddenly burst out laughing in agony, crazily and ferociously, "I've said it before! If he took off his mask, you wouldn't dare to look at him! Hahahaha, hahahahahahaha——"

Accompanied by the crazy laughter, Hua Xi suddenly opened Long Ganyu's hand, and with an embroidered iron sword, he quickly chased him out.

Young Master Ji Yue...

Long Ganyue...

They are clearly two different people, how could they... overlap?

The plum blossoms on Hanwu Island bloomed so brightly, Young Master Ji Yue said that it was not his favorite word, but someone just happened to plant it on the island.

But Long Ganyue said that it was his favorite flower.

The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold... How could she say such things to him who was born in hell?
Plum blossoms are fragrant because they grow in pure white snow.

But he's in a swamp full of mud...

He said he didn't want to be a hindrance to her.How can you do this?She tried everything to find that person, just to save him.

Those hopeless confessions and helpless choices he made were just to push her away.

Push her away so you don't have to hurt her.

She believed it.

In the violent wind, her tears kept flowing back and were blown away by the wind.

In the dark night, there is no shadow of the flame, it is pitch black, and there is nothing.

Xiu Tiejian said: "What are you looking for? Why are you crying?"

"Where is Young Master Ji Yue?"

"He used the death talisman, maybe even his soul was burned." Xiu Tiejian didn't care much, his tone was cold, why should he care about things that have nothing to do with him?

"Impossible!" Hua Xi didn't believe it, looking desperately in the dark night.

"Hua Xi, why do you care so much about one person?" Xiu Tiejian didn't understand. Is this the so-called 'human race's feelings'?

it is ridiculous.

"Don't you have anything you are attached to?" Hua Xi asked.

"Yes." Xiu Tiejian chuckled, "Let's start again with that destructive splendor!"

"Then I have it too!" Hua Xi said.

"You, you just lost your mind for a while, don't tell me, you fell in love with that half-demon, half-human, right? Hehe, Hua Xi, you have changed, and you actually fell in love with someone else."

Xiu Tiejian sighed, the world is impermanent, unexpectedly, even the most steadfast thing in the past would change.

"He has the sword of summoning on him, you help me find him, I promise any request of yours!"

"Oh, really?" Xiutiejian was excited.

"a man of his words!"

"Okay! Go to the southeast!" Xiutiejian laughed loudly, "Hua Xi, I want you to promise me that I will practice the Forbidden Art of the Underworld from today onwards. I don't want to follow a trash all the time!"

"No problem!" After Hua Xi agreed, she immediately turned around and headed southeast.
Hey, did you say it would be abused?

Don't be happy at the Chongxi Party, I will abuse you tomorrow~
How nice I am, I will abuse after the Mid-Autumn Festival~ What a good author in China~~
(End of this chapter)

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