Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 750 Dream Chapter Year [3]

Chapter 750 Dreaming Back to the Millennium [3]

"Why should I tell you?" he said lazily.

"Presumptuous! Do you know who I am?" the little girl said savagely.

"You are Her Royal Highness." He said casually.

"Knowing that you are still so rude?" The little girl was a little angry.

But he smiled slyly: "It's rude anyway, let alone tell you who I am, so you can't do anything to me."

"You..." The little girl pointed at him angrily, "I order you to tell me!"

"You don't know who I am, how do you know that you can order me?" There was a purple light in his eyes, so beautiful that it was illusory.

The little girl stared blankly at him, confused for a moment, but couldn't find anything to say.

When she realized it, she just said angrily: "I am a princess! I order you as a princess! You dare to defy me, you know my strength..."

"It's raining." He looked up at the sky, then suddenly moved his fingers, and an oil-paper umbrella with a green handle and white umbrella appeared in his hand.

He opened his umbrella to cover his head.

The little girl suddenly didn't understand what he meant, why was it raining, the weather was so clear and clear, the wind was clear and the sky was blue...

However, at the moment she was thinking angrily, a sudden downpour of rain fell without warning.

"Ah—" she exclaimed, she was wearing her favorite new clothes, and she was going to celebrate her father's birthday today!

She hurriedly ran to the apricot tree, but the rain was so heavy that she was soaked mercilessly.

Unexpected heavy rain!How can you do this! ?
"Hahaha..." A series of melodious and elegant laughter, like fairy music played by a harp, resounded carelessly.

The little girl's eyes were staring, her delicate and beautiful face was swollen because of anger, she was very cute.

"What are you laughing at?" she asked angrily.

At that time, how would she know that this heavy rain was caused by him.

The sun, the moon, the stars, and everything in the world are under his control.

He just laughed at teasing her.

But she didn't know it, and she just sighed secretly that she was unlucky, but it happened to be caught in this heavy rain, and her favorite new clothes were all wet.

"Do you want me to lend you an umbrella?" He looked back slightly under the umbrella, with a smile rippling in his purple eyes, dotted like stars.

She stared blankly, her heart beating wildly for no reason.

Although hiding under the apricot tree, the tree in flowering stage has no shelter ability, and the heavy rain is still falling down.

She was in Wu Na Talisman, so she didn't prepare an umbrella.

The sky in the God Realm rarely rains, so what do you need an umbrella for?
But now, I have to turn to him for help.

The little girl nodded and bit her lips lightly, as if she was a bit awkward. Just now she was so domineering to him, but now he is willing to lend her the umbrella.

It seems that she has no airs, but she is the most honorable princess in the God Realm...

His feet lightly tapped on the boulder, and they landed lightly on the ground.

Barefoot, stepping on the snow-white apricot petals that fell from the rain, he walked slowly.

Under the almond blossom tree, he moved the umbrella from above his head to hers.

The pouring rain soon wet his back and shoulders.

Suddenly, he smelled a faint fragrance from his body, not like incense, nor any kind of medicinal fragrance, but a faint fragrance, which is endless aftertaste.

(End of this chapter)

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