Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 753 Dream Chapter Year [6]

Chapter 753 Dreaming Back to the Millennium [6]

She thought that her knees would not bow to anyone, and her head was too proud to bow to anyone.

But... pride is only a capital to have when you have the ability to control everything.

Pride is only a luxury when there is nothing you can do about it.

Although I want it very much, it is best to throw it away.

"Soul imprints and corpse imprints have always been difficult problems in the God Realm. If they can be broken, that person will not become a taboo in the God Realm for tens of thousands of years."

Chong Xi said lightly, looking at his face, she couldn't feel any emotional fluctuations in him.

In the depths of the deep eyes, there is a more complicated and more incomprehensible light lingering.

Hua Xi slowly raised her head to look at him, "Then can the emperor find him?"

"He's in the demon world."

A light flashed in Hua Xi's eyes, and she immediately wanted to stand up.

"Hua Xi." Chong Xi's voice sounded unhurriedly, "You have been in a coma for three days, if you go now, nothing will change."

Hua Xi paused, her arms couldn't support the weight of her body, and she fell to the ground as soon as she became limp.

Her lips were bleeding.

Three days, has it been three days?
"Then..." She suddenly didn't know what to say, the intense heartache made her even choked up her breathing, "He..."

"I can tell you he's still alive."

"How do you live?" Hua Xi asked.

Chong Xi didn't answer her, but leaned slightly to help her up.

"Hua Xi, you are still young. When you grow up, you will understand that life is so helpless, and many things cannot be fulfilled."

"Is the emperor also like this?" Hua Xi asked sadly.

She has always been curious, Chong Xi is already the King of God, what helplessness does he have?
"Of course." Chong Xi nodded, and his fingers slid across the strings casually, bringing out a series of melodious sounds, "Some people's fate is doomed from birth, what to do, what to do, can not be controlled by oneself to decide."

"Fate?" Hua Xi was puzzled, and hated it from the bottom of his heart, "Does the emperor also believe in fate?"

"I've always believed it." He lowered his bright eyes, and his long eyelashes cast a blue-gray shadow.

Fate made him unable to get what he wanted in his life.

Fate made him lonely for 9000 years.

Fate had her blood on his hands.

Hua Xi looked at him incomprehensibly, how could he even believe in fate?
how could be?

Chong Xi raised her head slowly, looked at the expression on her face, and said distressedly: "Xi'er, you know, if you don't want to be influenced by fate, what should you do?"

Hua Xi shook her head, even Chong Xi was at the mercy of fate, so what else could she do to escape the control of fate?

She doesn't believe in fate!She tried her best and didn't want to believe in fate!

"To become stronger." Chong Xi said lightly.

"But Dijun is already very strong!" Tears welled up in Hua Xi's eyes, "Can't even you get rid of fate?"

"I can't." Chong Xi said regretfully, then the corners of her lips curled up slightly, "But you can."

"Why can I?" She didn't understand, why could she do things that even he couldn't do?

"Because you are special."

Hua Xi became more and more puzzled, hoping that he could explain clearly, but he didn't continue, he just said: "Hua Xi, quickly become stronger, so strong that even fate will bow to you. Only in this way can you protect what you want. protector."

Hua Xi stared at him blankly, so strong that fate even bowed to her...

(End of this chapter)

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