Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 760 Red Line Marriage [5]

Chapter 760 Red Line Marriage [5]

Hua Xi is very sad, but now she has so many messy emotions in her heart that she can't figure it out, and she is in a mess.

So, I really don't know how to face Chong Xi.

Is it just because she is also called Hua Xi?

Jia Ruo was dumbfounded, thinking back and forth the words 'the emperor already knew' in his mind.

Then, you can't blame him, can you?
In fact, Hua Xi also guessed because Jia Ruo called out the star pendant loudly when the star pendant appeared for the first time, and his reaction.

Poor Zhen Xingzhui has been replaced by Chong Xi, so he can only bear the name of Xiaobai pitifully.

He is the real star god, that is, Chong Xi's summoned beast.

Hua Xi looked at Xiao Bai, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Your Excellency Xingzhui, I didn't recognize you before."

Xiaobai made a few hand gestures, but Hua Xi couldn't understand, so he had to ask Jia Ruo, "What did he say?"

"He said that he likes you to call him Xiaobai." Xingzhui pouted, thinking that Xiaobai's move was really clever.

Hua Xi laughed when he heard that.

Just now I saw her unhappy, but now she actually smiled.

Xing Xiaobai, you are too much, you secretly learned how to pick up girls without telling me...

"Then I'll call you Xiaobai." Hua Xi smiled lightly, with a bit of sadness in her eyes.

Xiao Bai could tell that she was unhappy, but he couldn't speak, so he could only look at her like that.

Jia Ruo said, "Hua Xi, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I have to go home first." Hua Xi said with a smile.

It's very hard to force a smile, and she doesn't want to laugh now.

"Let me see you off, you can't get out of the gate of the God Realm by yourself." Jia Ruo volunteered, winked at Xiao Bai, and happily took Hua Xi away.

Xiao Bai looked at them, a little sad in his silver-gray star pupils.

She is unhappy, and he is also very unhappy.

Marriage Palace

"Master Hongxian! There are so many marriage lines, how should we pull them together? You can't drink all the time, it's almost messed up!"

The crisp boy's voice rang in a hurry, and several younger goddesses stood aside helplessly watching.

Master Hongxian is drunk again...

Being so drunk, I don't know if I have drawn someone else's red line by mistake.

No wonder there are always so many idiots in the human world who resent women and love each other. If it weren't for this red line gentleman being so generous, how happy he would be!
But ordinary little goddesses can't help it, they can only be responsible for sorting out the marriage of the red thread, and the only one who is really capable of making a match is the Lord Red Thread!

As the Lord God of the Marriage Palace and the majestic God of the Red Line, how could he be addicted to alcohol every day!

On the contrary, His Highness the God of Dionysus never drank alcohol, so they should switch their identities!
"Hahaha! You tidy it up, I just grab it and it's done, what's the rush?" The woman said in a drunken voice, and with a 'plop', the wine jar fell over.

"My lord, you got the wrong line just now! Ms. Liu in Weicheng is full of talent, intelligence and sensitivity. She should be married to the number one scholar of the dynasty. How could you lead her to that foolish son of the Westminster Mansion!"

"Also, Princess Ruyue of Yunlei Kingdom is savage and pungent, with a cruel personality and a tendency to kill. You brought her to King Jiangxia's sick little prince, and you wanted his life!"

"Also, Princess Pingcheng of Fengxi Kingdom was married to Seventh Prince Long Ganyue, but now why is she going to marry Yunlei Kingdom and get married?"

(End of this chapter)

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