Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 814 Midnight Phantom [3]

Chapter 814 Midnight Phantom [3]

And when Meng wakes up, she is often no longer in her bedroom, but in the lotus pond in the imperial garden!
It was almost winter at this time, and the lotus pond was so cold that the emperor was almost frozen to death. After he was rescued, the biting cold was like maggots on the tarsus bone, which could not be dispelled no matter what.

Every night, no matter how many concubines were called to attend the bed, or his own sons were called to watch the night, it would not help.

Even if they all had their eyes open, the emperor would somehow disappear from the dragon bed and then appear in the lotus pond.

The masters of Yunlei Nation were also helpless.

Except for ghosts, no one has such a great ability.

After Hua Xi heard it, why did she feel that this was simply a prank?

But this prank was too clever.

Without anyone noticing it, the dog emperor must have been frightened to death.

You really deserve it, you will kill yourself if you do many unrighteous actions!

He once controlled Yan Xiange, and even wiped out the entire family of Yan's family. He must have a guilty conscience, thinking that it was the soul of the Yan family who came to claim his life.

Don't do anything bad, even if a ghost knocks on the door?

After having dinner in the inn, Hua Xi put on his night clothes and prepared to go to the palace to have a look.

"Master Mo, let the little monk go with you." Wuxin was very worried. She was still a little girl, so she should be afraid.

"No need, I'm just going to find out about the situation." Hua Xi refused, it was convenient for her to act alone.

In case it was really some powerful demon, she would be easy to deal with.

"Master Mo, be careful..." Wuxin watched Hua Xi's figure jump out of the window and quickly disappear into the night.

"Brother, that ghost is evil, she won't be in danger!" The little monk named Wuyin was still a little worried.

"I hope Master can come soon." Wu Xin was also very worried.

Because of the haunting, the palace of Yunlei Kingdom was almost heavily guarded. The emperor was so frightened that he didn't dare to sleep for days and nights, and sent countless masters to protect him.

Hua Xi could only watch from the distant roof, the inner three floors and the outer three floors were full of people, so the ghost probably wouldn't come.

Even if he can break in, how can he take away the emperor under so many eyes?
Hua Xi looked around, but found nothing suspicious.

She waited quietly until late at night, almost falling asleep, but still nothing happened.

She raised her head and glanced at the sky. The sky was dotted with stars. Chong Xi must be in a good mood.

I really don't know where his emotions come from.


The thoughts in his mind were suddenly flashed by a flash of silver light.

Hua Xi was startled, and quickly followed the light to look, there was nothing unusual in the brightly lit palace!

But no!Something must have passed!

She stared at the emperor's bedroom, and saw no expression on the faces of the people standing outside.

Under the calm night, the flame in the brazier jumped for no reason.

Hua Xi stared at it without turning her eyes. If there is any abnormal movement, it is impossible to escape her eyes!
The so-called ghost must also be lurking somewhere waiting for an opportunity...

"Ah—His Majesty is gone!"

In the bedroom, the concubine's screams were suddenly heard.

The emperor is gone?
She didn't see anything!
Hua Xi's heart sank, and she suddenly thought of a place - Imperial Garden!

With a 'whoosh', she disappeared in place instantly like a shooting star, and came to the Royal Garden at the fastest speed!
(End of this chapter)

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