Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 821 The Soul of Floating 0 [2]

Chapter 821 The Wandering Soul [2]

If Yan Xiange's daughter stays in his hands, Yunlei Kingdom will definitely become the most powerful country on Tianyao Continent!

"Sir, how you want to deal with him is up to you." Hua Xi stood up and handed over to Ji Qianqiu, "I'll go back to see my mother and ask her everything!"

"Be careful." Ji Qianqiu sighed as she watched her disappear.

When will these complicated entanglements come to an end?

"Ah, ah—" the emperor of Yunlei Kingdom yelled at him.

Ji Qianqiu stretched out his crutch and hit him hard on the mouth.

Suddenly, several teeth were knocked out.

The emperor of Yunlei Kingdom's eyes widened in shock, how dare this Ji Qianqiu treat him like this!

Where is the prince?His best son, come and deal with this stinky old man!
"What is Your Majesty thinking?" Ji Qianqiu sneered, "Do you want the crown prince to save you? Don't dream, let me tell you, the crown prince is not your own son!"

The emperor of Yunlei Kingdom widened his eyes.

What?Isn't the prince his son?It's a joke in the world!
The crown prince is so outstanding, how could he give birth to such an outstanding child except for his blood?

"He is the blood of the Yan family. I swapped him and Concubine Liu's son back then! When your real son grew up, he was forced to enlist in the army. He was a useless one. He joined the enemy when he went to the battlefield and was killed by the prince of Fengxi Kingdom! Hahaha !"

Speaking of these hatred-relieving things, seeing the hatred and anger in the dog emperor's eyes, Ji Qianqiu felt relieved all over!

Even the broken leg doesn't feel so painful anymore.

It's all worth it!
"Reincarnation of heaven! There really is retribution in this world!" Ji Qianqiu burst out laughing, it was extremely joyful!
The emperor of Yunlei Kingdom's eyes were about to burst, if he could still move his hands and feet, he would immediately rush up and fight him desperately!

"Hmph! Now you are not as good as a pig or a dog! Soon, the crown prince will ascend the throne, and the blood of the Yan family will rule the Yunlei Kingdom, and you—" Ji Qianqiu paused, "Just watch this happen!"

"Rose!" Ji Qianqiu shouted again.

"Father." Qiangwei replied cautiously.

"Cut off his legs! He often suffers a hundred times more pain than dad!"

"Yes." Qiangwei nodded, turned around and entered the room, and took out a huge knife.

The light of the knife reflected in the eyes of the emperor of Yunlei Kingdom, everything was in such a desperate color.

Hua Xi flies all the way, trying to catch up with Yan Xiange and Wujiang.

However, after the emperor of Yunlei Kingdom was dealt with, they were no longer seen!

Anxious, Yan Xiange must have picked up some memories from the emperor's mind, knowing that Dugufeng went to Fengxi Kingdom later!
As a former spy, the emperor of Yunlei Kingdom could not allow her to completely hide her identity.

Oh no!Yan Xiange must want to seek revenge from Dugufeng!
He thought that Dugufeng betrayed him and handed over his daughter to the emperor of Yunlei Kingdom, and then she was killed!

At this time, Yan Xiange must not have much sanity, otherwise, she would not have any reaction even seeing her!
He just relied on instinct...

He's just a ray of soul...

Don't make mistakes, Yan Xiange, don't make big mistakes!

Fengxi Country, Dugu Mansion

"Ma'am, it's late at night, it's time for you to rest."

Sixi walked into the Buddhist hall and saw Dugufeng kneeling in front of the Buddha silently chanting scriptures.

After moving to the new mansion, the Buddhist hall was also repaired by Shen Huaixu.

(End of this chapter)

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