Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 838 Father and Daughter Recognition [1]

Chapter 838 Father and Daughter Recognition [1]

There are many questions in my heart to ask her, for example, what happened to the children of the Protoss?

Now she dare not leave Dugufeng even a step, for fear that if she is not careful, she will be in an accident.

Hua Xi leaned against the bed, propped her forehead, and fell asleep unknowingly.

Suddenly a gust of icy wind blew and woke her up.

Her hand was still tightly holding Dugufeng's, and did not let go.

And Dugufeng was still sleeping peacefully.

Hua Xi looked at the candles on the table, more than half of them had been burned, it seemed that it should be late at night.

The sound of clothes being ruffled was heard again, and Lu Lian strode in, her face slightly calm.

"What's wrong?" Hua Xi stood up.

"Something broke in." Lu Lian said lightly, and then his eyes fixed on the window.

Hua Xi also looked over, the night outside was dark, with a little moonlight reflecting, and a little bit of silvery white light reflected coldly.

Hua Xi's heart tightened, Yan Xiange!He actually broke into the temple!
Lu Lian raised her hand, and her long sleeves hung down like flowing clouds.

Hua Xi pressed his hand quickly on his arm, "Master, please slow down!"

"That's a charm, born with resentment and hatred, it's not kind." Lu Lian said seriously.

The Mei who can break into the temple must have been very strong in life!

"He is my father!" Hua Xi could only say.

Lu Lian lowered her head and glanced at her.

"Isn't your father Mo Qingtian?" This matter was only mentioned during the day.

"Mo Qingtian and Dugufeng are just my adoptive father and mother." Hua Xi looked at the silver light beside the bed, "He is my father, his name is Yan Xiange."

As she spoke, she raised her head and carefully observed Lu Lian's reaction.
It's a pity that the master of the national teacher must have gotten used to this indifferent and expressionless face, without any fluctuations.

"Yan Xiange, was the genius charmer of Yunlei Kingdom more than ten years ago?" Lu Lian just said so.

Yan Xiange's name was indeed known to many people more than ten years ago.

After all, talisman masters are so rare, if one appears, it must be a famous figure.

What's more, the emperor of Yunlei Kingdom must spare no effort to praise him, so that all countries will be afraid.

"Exactly." Hua Xi nodded.

"I heard that he died by self-immolation more than ten years ago, but he turned into a charm. No wonder, he was controlled by the emperor of Yunlei Kingdom with secret techniques. He must have had a strong resentment when he died."

"He doesn't have any complaints, he just wants to get his daughter back." Hua Xi still pressed his hand firmly, "Master Guoshi, please give me some time."

Lu Lian was indifferent and speechless.

Hua Xi could only say: "For the emperor's sake."

If Chong Xi was here, as long as she asked, she would definitely agree, so Lu Lian had to obey.

"Okay, but if he endangers the temple, he will die!" Lu Lian withdrew her hand, flicked her sleeves, and left.

His attitude is very clear, he will not let Yan Xiange endanger the temple, but if Yan Xiange wants to harm Hua Xi, he will not help.

Hua Xi breathed a sigh of relief, then looked up at the silvery white light by the window.

She knew that Yan Xiange was standing there, so she would definitely not recognize her.

Hua Xi stood silently in front of the window, staring at him for a moment.

"I am Huaxi, the light is Hua, the sun is Xi, you want me to grow up under the light, I am 15 years old now."

Yan Xiange didn't respond to her words, but was indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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