Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 858 Don’t ask about marriage [2]

Chapter 858 Don’t ask about marriage [2]

Unexpectedly, Yuelao really existed.

Hua Xi just smiled and didn't intend to go. She has no interest in Yuelao. For her now, marriage or something is the most illusory thing.

She really wanted to see Dionysus, but she was a little bit more interested in wine.

Hua Xi wanted to walk around the Marriage Palace, but at this moment, two little goddesses in the Marriage Palace came out with heavy wine jars, complaining as they walked.

"Master Hongxian is drunk again, really, it happens every time."

"A lot of marriage lines are messed up again, what should I do now?"


red line?

Hua Xi raised her head and took another look at the gate of the Marriage Palace. The plaque on the top was inscribed with three Chinese characters - Marriage Palace.

Was it the red thread she had dreamed about?
That alcoholic, lazy and glamorous sister Yu Hongxian?
In the dream, Hua Xi asks her to help her connect with Chong Xi, isn't she the Yuelao in the Palace of Marriage?

Except for Chong Xi, it was the first time Hua Xi met the person he had seen in his dream.

But she had only seen Chong Xi and Red Line in her dreams, and she had only heard the voice of that nightmare.

Driven by curiosity, Hua Xi temporarily forgot about Dionysus, and walked into the Marriage Palace by accident.

In the huge yard, there are countless red ribbons flying on rows of wooden shelves.

Hua Xi walked over from the wooden shelves and looked at the red ribbons with different names written one by one.

With so many ribbons, does Yuelao have to help tie the strings?

That was too hard.

So what's so good about being a god? There are only a few gods in the Nine Heavens, but they have to manage tens of thousands of people in the world.


Someone shouted intoxicatedly in front of him, he was already drunk, and he probably lost his consciousness.

Hua Xi walked over quickly, just in time to see a woman in red rolling down the steps in front of the main hall.

The steps are quite high, more than a dozen steps, no matter how you fall, you will have a bloody head.

This person is really interesting, why does he like to drink on the steps, he is so unsafe!
Hua Xi tipped her toes, and floated lightly in front of the rows of shelves covered with red ribbons, and grabbed her hand when she was halfway down.

"Hmm..." The confused Hong Xianjun raised his head in a daze and stared at her, his eyes were blurred.

Hua Xi wasn't sure if she could see him, but when he saw her, Hua Xi still felt a little embarrassed.

She remembered that when she saw the red thread in her dream, she was so beautiful, confident, and cunning, like a cat.

But now, dark circles, pale skin, messy hair, chapped lips.

Is she really the red thread lord who is in charge of marriages in the world?

Hua Xi supported her and sat down again, letting her lean against a big empty wine tank.

"Who are you?" The red line pointed at her crookedly, in front of her eyes, there were many Hua Xi's faces, all of which could not be seen clearly.

"I..." Hua Xi thought for a while, the girl in the dream was also named Hua Xi, it would bring back bad memories for her, so it's better not to mention this name again.

"My name is Ghost Moon."

"Ghost... Moon?" Hongxiu sniffed, looking slovenly and embarrassed, "Strange name, why are you in Jiuchongtian? Did you come from cultivation?"


(End of this chapter)

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