Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 885 Agarwood Like a Dream [5]

Chapter 885 Agarwood Like a Dream [5]

It's only been 1000 years, so it will be over soon.

When the time comes, what should we do first?

By the way, Jiaruo is going to be sent to the mortal world, and then he is going to save a kitten.

Just need to wait another 400 years, this endless cycle of reincarnation will come to an end, and her soul will come back intact.

He also doesn't have to watch her suffer life after life.

For more than 400 years, he can wait.

Hua Xi suddenly lost his mind for a long time, thinking about what he said, it seemed that he had grasped some key point.

"Dijun, you and the you 400 years later are two different time and space, so the memories shouldn't overlap, right?" She asked the doubts in her heart.

"Whether it's me now or 400 years from now, it's me." Chong Xi said with a smile.

"That is to say, what I said today, you will know in 400 years?" Hua Xi exclaimed.

"Of course, because such a memory is already in my head."

Hua Xi almost fainted, it was terrible... Did Chong Xi know about her turning into a cat?

He is the King of God, so he should know everything.

Wait - no, the order of time is wrong!
If Chong Xi, 400 years ago, knew that she would turn into a cat and go to save him, then he would have known her identity a long time ago.

Thinking of the time spent together day and night in Jiuchongtian, Hua Xi's eyes were filled with tears for an instant.

Cause and effect, that's probably what it said.

It turned out that he didn't like cats, but because he knew it was her...

"Silly girl, why are you crying?" Chong Xi wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with her fingers distressedly.

"Why? Why me?" Hua Xi sniffed, choked up and asked.

She doesn't like to cry, but... at this moment, she couldn't cry because of Chong Xi's deliberate concealment.

They never met, why was he so nice to her from the beginning?
Chong Xi quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said slowly: "Do you know why I appear by Chen Xiangmeng's side?"


"Because she is also you, the first life in your reincarnation."

Hua Xi looked at him with open red eyes, "I don't understand..."

Chen Xiangmeng might be her previous life, Hong Xin also said so, but she didn't believe it.

"You are Hua Xi, I am willing to watch you and be with you every life."

When you are happy, I am happy too. When you are in pain, I am also in pain. If you die, my life will be worse than death...

Hua Xi vaguely remembered his dream, in which the girl named Hua Xi was bitterly in love with him.

What past life and present life?
She doesn't believe this kind of thing at all!

Even if there is a past life, so what?The past life is the past life, it has already passed, and the present life is the present life, so what has to do with the past life?
Even if she was really that Hua Xi in her previous life, she has nothing to do with her in this life!
Every time you reincarnate, don't you have to drink Mengpo soup?After drinking it, the past will be forgotten, and you will be reincarnated as a human being. Why bother with the past life?
"My previous life..."

Just as Hua Xi was about to ask, the door of the room was opened suddenly.

"Master, are you still awake?" Footsteps came in slowly, it was the servant girl who came in.

As soon as Hua Xi raised his head to look at Chong Xi, he frowned slightly, and suddenly turned into a faint golden light and disappeared.

The servant girl came in with a candle, and with her was the old lady in a cloak.

"Xin'er, can't you sleep? What's the matter? Grandma is here."

Chen Xiangxin was young,

(End of this chapter)

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