Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 899 The Moon Goddess Surprises [1]

Chapter 899 The Moon Goddess Surprises [1]

That Wu Fangfei was in a fit of anger, when she saw Hua Xi in a blink of an eye, new hatred and old hatred welled up in her heart, her eyes turned red.

"You, it's you!"

Hua Xi is still covering her nose with a handkerchief, can she recognize this?

I heard that Wu Fangfei was dismissed from the position of flower god by Chong Xi, a petite guy, and now she is just a little flower fairy.

Seeing her so downcast, Hua Xi smiled.

"What are you laughing at? I'm not being polite to you!" She raised her hand, ready to strike.

How could Hua Xi be afraid of her?

Wu Fangfei is a god, and her strength may be very strong, but she is not unable to catch every move, she will always use several moves.

"Fang Fei." Suddenly a slightly cold female voice sounded, and this voice really shot into my heart instantly like the cold moonlight.

Hua Xi raised her head, one was wearing a moon-white long dress, her hair was loosely pulled up and fixed with a crescent-shaped white jade hairpin.

The temperament is cool and the appearance is beautiful.

As soon as she appeared, Wu Fangfei's arrogance immediately weakened a lot, her face only had dark hatred and resentment, but she didn't dare to show it blatantly.

"Sister." She said reluctantly, Wu Jinghong is not her real sister!

"You should call me Flower God. The God Realm is a place with distinct levels and cannot be surpassed." Wu Jinghong said coldly, not trying to show her face.

A few little flower fairies on the side showed gloating expressions.

Wu Fangfei bit her lip and yelled bitterly, "Lord Flower God."

Wu Jinghong didn't pay attention to her either, that kind of aloofness was very similar to Chong Xi.

Her eyes turned towards Huaxi, seeing the blood on her handkerchief, she frowned slightly, and said, "Are you injured?"

Saying that, the unfriendly aura obviously turned to Wu Fangfei.

"I didn't touch her!" Wu Fangfei exclaimed, like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, "What's the matter with you? Everyone defends her so much, is it a big deal if she loses a hair?"

Hua Xi was speechless for a while, but she just smiled faintly, and said to Wu Jinghong: "No, it's just a nosebleed, it has nothing to do with others."

"Did you hear that? I wouldn't bother to do anything to a mortal like her!" Wu Fangfei said incredulously.

Wu Jinghong ignored her, his voice was slightly soft: "Why did you get a nosebleed?"

"Well..." Hua Xi was a little puzzled, it seemed that he had never met this new God of Flowers, and had no interaction with him.

How could she have the nerve to say the reason for her nosebleed?

"You all go down." Wu Jinghong waved to all the little flower fairies including Wu Fangfei, telling them to leave, and walked to Hua Xi's side.

"Dijun cares about you very much, and I don't want to see you get hurt." Wu Jinghong's voice was still cold.

But what happened?Is this person who has never met caring about Chong Xi for her?
"Please worry about the emperor." She said politely, everyone in the God Realm knows that Chong Xi has a crush on her, right?
Wu Jinghong said lightly: "You don't know me yet, my name is Wu Jinghong, the flower god newly appointed by my emperor."

"I've met Lord Flower God." Hua Xi nodded.

"However, I am only temporarily serving as the God of Flowers. My job is the God of the Moon."

Luna?Wu Jinghong?

Hua Xi suddenly felt that the name was familiar.

Wu Jinghong said: "I, like Xingluo, am the emperor's summoned beast."


Chong Xi is in charge of the sun, moon and stars, and his summoned beast is very special!
The star god falls, and the moon god dances in shock.

Both of them are gods, but they have become Chong Xi's summoned beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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