Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 902 Drunk [2]

Chapter 902 Drunk [2]

Several little goddesses of the Marriage Palace who passed by quietly were taken aback by this battle, thinking that Master Hongxian was drinking again, just wondering who is the other person?

Forget it, no matter who it is, it's beyond their control. It's better to do your own thing well, so as not to make Master Hongxian unhappy...

The little goddess quietly withdrew from the Marriage Palace, but when she turned around, she suddenly found a person standing behind the wooden shelf.

Before hitting it, he was stopped by a cold hand.

The little goddess looked quietly, only seeing a corner of the exquisite purple robe, she was so frightened that her legs limp and knelt down.

"God, god..."

"Go down." The cold woman's voice must be Master Moon God Jinghong.

The little goddess didn't dare to delay, and ran away in a panic.

Oh my god, the emperor has come to the Marriage Palace again!
"Dijun, let me stop Lord Hua Xi." Wu Jinghong glanced at the two women who were drinking over there, he really didn't expect that someone could get along so happily with Mr. Hongxian.

The god on the red thread is the most difficult god in the Jiuchongtian. No one dares to provoke her, and no one dares to make friends with her.

That's a woman who goes crazy when she drinks alcohol.

"No need." Chong Xi said lightly.

Wu Jinghong didn't dare to speak anymore.

The sun gradually slanted westward, and on the steps, a wine jar rolled down and shattered on the last floor, leaving nothing inside.

"Hahaha——" Hongxian sat with his back against the big wine jar, his body limp, and continued to drink from the wine jar.

Hua Xi was sitting on the steps, leaning back, lazily bending one leg.

She raised her hand, and the wine jar in her hand was already empty.

"No more wine..."

After drinking so much wine, they didn't put them down.

Hua Xi's drinking capacity is really impressive.

"It's been a long time since I've had such a good time!" Hongxian looked up at the sky, actually drunk, but not dead.

"I haven't touched alcohol for many years." Hua Xi also said, getting drunk is indeed very enjoyable!
"Forget it, you're just a mortal, so let me lose." The red line was generous.

It is already very powerful for a mortal to drink with her to this extent.

"Thank you, Lord Hongxian, for your acceptance." Hua Xi was also dizzy, and she knew that she couldn't hold on for long.

If I drink again, I'm afraid I will really pass out here today.

"In the past, in Jiuchongtian, Chong Xi was the only one who could win against me in drinking. Even Dionysus was amazed by his drinking capacity. I was drunk, but he could still drink calmly."

The head of the red thread leaned against the big wine jar, and his own wine jar was also empty.

"Dijun? I've never seen him drinking, but I often see him drinking tea."

"Did you know? In this world, there is only one kind of person who likes to drink tea." Hong Xian laughed.

"Who?" Hua Xi tilted her head back, feeling that her head was so heavy.

Red Thread stretched out a finger and said, "You hypocrite."

"Haha!" Hua Xi raised her head and laughed, "Tea is what the common people drink every day, so is the whole world full of hypocrites?"

"No." Hong Xian shook his head, feeling that his head was so heavy that he needed support, "Only a person who used to be an alcoholic and suddenly stopped drinking and went to drink tea is a hypocrite."

Hua Xi thought about it in a daze, and it seems to be right...

But how could Chong Xi be a hypocrite?His kind of arrogant person has never bothered to be hypocritical.

"Why doesn't he drink anymore?" Hua Xi didn't understand.

"Ghost Moon, people change, gods change too, Chong Xi has changed, he has changed..." The voice gradually became weaker.

(End of this chapter)

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