Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 927 Rebirth of the Wheel Chapter [5]

Chapter 927 Reincarnation [5]

This is to repay them and give this body a chance to live...

Zhao Ke helped her up, and said sadly: "Mother listens to you, but we missed reincarnation."

"I'll take you there!" Hua Xi said, she had already made a decision, and this decision would never be changed.

No matter how dangerous the ghost world is, she will personally send Zhao Ke into reincarnation!

Zhao Ke touched her face: "Xi'er, seeing you are so sensible, even if I can't reincarnate, I am very happy."

"You will be able to reincarnate!" Hua Xi said firmly, she hoped she could reincarnate.

Because she always believes that kind people should be rewarded with kindness.

Jia Ruo stood aside and heard their conversation, and couldn't help wrinkling his nose.

Is Hua Xi serious?Do you really want to go to the ghost world?

This... should I inform Master?
When the group left the cave, the rain outside also stopped. Seeing that it was almost dawn, Hua Xi carefully put the souls of Zhao Ke, Sun Shi, and Meng Xiaoling into the pure jade together.

The spiritual power inside is at its peak, which is also good for their worn out souls wandering in the world.

The bonfire was relit and the game was roasted, all four of them remained silent.

The flames were crackling, the hare was roasted until it squeaked, and the aroma was already pervasive.

Jia Ruo held his face and looked at it, and couldn't help but say, "Where does the soul go after the rabbit dies?"

Such innocent words made Hua Xi laugh: "Of course the soul has gone to reincarnation."

"Then do we count as killing and killing them?" Jia Ruo was indeed a naive child.

"The strong prey on the weak, it's normal." Hua Xi said, "This is the rule of the world, karmic reincarnation, maybe in the next life, we will also become rabbits."

"I don't want to be a rabbit!" Jia Ruo said in fear, and glanced at the delicious rabbit meat roasted on the fire.

The three of them laughed together, and the atmosphere finally got better.

After eating, they all decided to take a rest before going on the road.

Hua Xi slept for a while leaning on the rocks in the cave, and opened her eyes when she heard someone turning over.

"Chen Xiang, are you awake?" Hua Xi asked softly.

"En." Chen Xiang nodded, her voice was very soft, not wanting to disturb others.

Hua Xi pursed her lips and thought for a while, should she ask about the nine-tailed fox?

She saw the phantom of the nine-tailed fox on him just now.

"Aren't you asleep too? What are you thinking?" Chen Xiang asked in a low voice.

"Thinking about reincarnation." Hua Xi sighed softly, "After reincarnation, you won't remember your previous life."

Chen Xiang listened in a daze, and said after a while: "Well, after reincarnation, it is a new life."

"I don't know what my previous life was like." Hua Xi laughed.

Chen Xiang turned his head and looked at her somewhat familiar side face, feeling a little strange in his heart.

It seems...she and her sister really seem to...

For more than 400 years, my sister has been reincarnated many times, even if she is a sister, it is impossible for her to think of him.

"What's wrong with you?" Hua Xi couldn't help asking without hearing his response.

Chen Xiang's voice was a little sour: "I miss my sister."

Heartbroken, Hua Xi asked, "Where is your sister?"

"She died many years ago."

"Sorrow and change, she will also reincarnate and get a new life."

"I really want to see him again." Chen Xiang raised his hand and placed it above his eyes, preventing her from seeing his red eyes.

Hua Xi remained silent, she is the reincarnation of Chen Xiangmeng, that is to say, she is Chen Xiang's older sister.
10 update~Thanks to the sixth lord, do you want to update it tomorrow~ The name of this chapter is wrong, it is [1], but the VIP chapter cannot be modified~
(End of this chapter)

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