Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 967 Fengling Appears [2]

Chapter 967 Fengling Appears [2]

Wujiang didn't look at her, he would rather choose to close his eyes and chant sutras, seeing is pure!

Feng Lan grabbed the hem of his clothes and angrily shook his seriously injured body.

"I'm dead, you don't even know how to be sad! How could you treat me like this? To save you, I gave everything to you! You ruthless monk!"

"Princess Fenglan, he was seriously injured!" Hua Xi reminded her loudly, Wujiang will die if she shakes like that!

"Don't worry about it!" Feng Lan yelled at her, "Anyway, he doesn't love me, and I won't hand him over to you. I'll just kill him!"

Hua Xi's brows darkened, she didn't doubt Feng Lan's words at all, this kind of wayward princess who was used to being pampered since she was a child, can do anything in a fit of anger.

When the anger is over, you will regret it again.

She can't let her make mistakes!

She took a step forward, and just as she was about to make a move, Feng Lan angrily swung the snake-shaped sword in her hand, and a colorful little snake with a snake letter shot towards Hua Xi!

As soon as his complexion changed, Xiao Bai immediately grabbed Hua Xi with one hand, and the sword in the other hand had already struck without hesitation.

He grasped the measure very well, just in time for the lingering starlight on the sword to cut down and hit Feng Lan's body heavily!

"Hmm..." She snorted, then flew upside down and fell into the mud.

Wujiang opened his eyes, and quickly raised his hand: "God please be merciful, she..."

But how could Xiaobai listen to her? In his eyes, a demon race is an existence that must be exterminated!
Those demons who dare to violate the contract of the Sunset Mountains and run out of the Demon Realm are all unforgivable!
There is almost a natural hatred between the gods and the demons, and no one can tolerate the other!
He raised his sword again, and this time he was not as merciful as last time.

Even if the fine silver hair was wet, it shone with light like stars.

In the silver-gray eyes, there is a resolute expression!

Killing demons, even after another 1 years, he will not change his belief!

He hates demons!

The demons ruined everything about him, Hua Xi...

The star-studded blade cut down mercilessly from top to bottom.

Hua Xi raised her head, knowing that with the little bit of spiritual power she had just recovered, she couldn't stop it at all!
"Xiaobai, don't kill her!" Hua Xi could only shout in panic.

Although Feng Lan is a demon, she is delicate and willful, but she is always her half-sister!

She has never regarded Feng Lan as her younger sister, but when she thinks of Feng Yueyan, she still can't bear it!

Hearing her shout, Xiaobai was too late to withdraw his sword.

Seeing that Jian Guang was about to slash Feng Lan's body, she couldn't bear it, and she would definitely lose her wits immediately!

But at this moment, a huge wind vortex suddenly gushed out from Feng Lan's body, spinning crazily.

Xiaobai's sword was deflected by the gust of wind, and suddenly slashed to the side, causing a huge sound.

Feng Lan's body was quickly carried away from the side, dangerously avoiding the impact of the sword light, but still staggered a few steps and fell forward.

Standing by the side, Hua Xi could see very clearly that the person who saved Feng Lan was none other than Feng Ling, the son of the Demon Realm!

The heart sank suddenly, could it be that even Feng Ling stepped out of the Sunset Mountains?

As the first son of the devil world and the future domain master of Fengyu, his status is extraordinary, and he is not a petty brawler like Feng Lan.

If he stepped out of the Sunset Mountains, if the God Realm knew about it, would he know what the consequences would be?

(End of this chapter)

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