Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 970 Not allowed in the world [1]

Chapter 970 Not allowed in the world [1]

"You have to take good care of yourself, you know?" Fengyue Yanyu said earnestly.

The daughter whom I have missed for 15 years is in front of my eyes, but we will be separated after such a short reunion.

She can't bear to...

"Of course, I will live well, don't worry." Hua Xi said with a smile.

Feng Yueyan thought of something, took out a crimson jade pendant from her sleeve, and handed it to her.

"If you want to see me, you can use this jade pendant to contact me, and I will send someone to pick you up to the Demon Realm."

"I won't go to the Demon Realm." Hua Xi didn't want to accept gifts related to the Demon Race.

"Even if you don't go, take it, I never gave you a gift." Feng Yueyan begged a bit.

"Well, thank you, such a beautiful jade pendant."

Only then did Feng Yueyan show a relieved smile, and before leaving, she looked at her several more times before reluctantly leaving.

Hua Xi hurried back to Wujiang's side, and Xiaobai opened the barrier to help him with simple healing.

"How?" she asked with concern.

"It's okay." Wujiang shook his head, keeping his eyes down and not looking at her.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, Xiaobai couldn't speak, and could only look back and forth at the strange airflow between them, blinking his eyes.

The silence lasted for quite a while, before Wujiang said, "The one just now must be the princess of Fengyu."

"Yeah." Hua Xi nodded, "I have half of the blood of the demon clan, which is from her."

Wujiang finally raised his eyes to look at her, the shock that couldn't be concealed in his eyes.

How could there be such a coincidence?Feng Yu's princess is Hua Xi's biological mother?
Xiao Bai also looked at her in shock, blankly, and after a while, he turned his face away a little bit unbearably.

Why is this happening?

"We're all wet, I'll go make a fire." Hua Xi stood up and turned to look for some dry branches.

This kind of thing is nothing, she figured it out, and felt that it was useless to escape, anyway, she might not be able to hide the fact that she is a demon.

Instead of hiding it, it is better to admit it generously.

Anyway, the issue of bloodlines can never be changed.

Xiao Bai silently followed behind her, picking up dry firewood, and when he saw a pile of firewood in her hand, he took it silently.

"Thank you." Hua Xi thanked with a smile.

Xiao Bai shook his head, his silver-gray eyes faintly glowed with crystal light.

"What's wrong?" Hua Xi asked quickly, why is this child about to cry all of a sudden?

He held the firewood in one hand and gestured with the other, his expression a little excited.

Of course Hua Xi couldn't understand, he gestured for a while, then stopped, turned around, and walked back silently.

She had no choice but to go back, and she carried fire-igniting materials in her Wu Na Fu, and she quickly raised a bonfire.

The three sat around the campfire, relatively silent, speechless all night.

When the sky was about to dawn, the rain stopped, and above the woods, a huge beast flew over. The young man on the beast's back looked down, and naturally saw the flames.

"Starfall! Hua Xi!"

Hua Xi looked up and saw that it was Jia Ruo, who jumped off the back of Taiyin Kui Beast and landed on the ground, splashing water all over the place.

"It's a good thing we found you, are you all right?" Jia Ruo looked at Hua Xi and said, hearing that she was almost killed by the old monk of Fanyin Temple.

"It's okay." Hua Xi smiled and shook her head.

"Hua Xi..." Jia Ruo bit her lip and hesitated for a moment, "You and I will go back to Nine Heavens to see Master."

Xiaobai suddenly stood up, strode to Hua Xi to block her, with a rare serious expression.

(End of this chapter)

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