Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 975 Not allowed in the world [6]

Chapter 975 Not allowed in the world [6]

"Hehe..." Xiu Tiejian smiled softly, "Don't be afraid, when you lose everything and have nothing to lose, you will never be afraid again."

"Shut up!" Hua Xi suddenly shouted hysterically, "Why do I have to lose everything! Why me? Why!?"

"Why are you excited? Excitement hurts your body." Xiu Tiejian said coolly, as if her emotions had nothing to do with him.

The only thing she has to do with him is her evilness.

Hua Xi gritted her teeth, and didn't say anything to him anymore, but silently mobilized her spiritual power to make the Juque Sword fly faster.

The cold wind was blowing on the face like a knife, almost cutting the skin!

Hua Xi closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them again, the corners of her eyes were moist.

She saw ahead, Jialan City looming in sight.

At the highest point of the city, the temple built in the middle of the mountain seems to be surrounded by clouds and mist.

That is the most sacred place in the entire Fengxi Country!
The three elders may have sent men in black to the temple, and there may be an ambush inside.

Hua Xi put away the Juque Sword, and cautiously lurked inside.

There is no air fluctuation around, has the man in black already left?

Or they figured she wouldn't have the guts to come back.

Indeed, her coming to the temple at this time is tantamount to courting death!

But the three elders never thought that she is not afraid of death now!

It was quiet inside the temple, and the sound of footsteps echoed, every step seemed to be walking on one's own heart.

Not a single figure.

Hua Xi walked through the road of the gods in the middle of the lotus pond, looking at the huge stone statues on both sides, feeling a little uneasy.

At this moment, she smelled a faint smell of blood, and then, a bubble appeared in the pool.

She looked down and saw the corpses of several goddesses slowly floating up from the pool.

She covered her mouth and watched in disbelief.

These goddesses were all killed! ?

She ran forward quickly, where is Linger?What about Dugufeng?

Where is Lu Lian? The temple is such a sacred place, how can the goddess be killed like this?
But as she walked all the way, she didn't see half of the living people, and all she saw were dead bodies.

All the goddesses and apostles in the temple are dead...

The corpses fell in disorder, and the blood almost stained the smooth and bright floor of the temple red!

She didn't have time to check the cause of those people's death, but ran quickly into the side hall where Dugufeng lived.

Ever since she knew that she was pregnant with the Protoss, Hua Xi let her live in the temple with peace of mind.

Lu Lian also kindly let them live in the side hall.

"Mother! Ling'er!" Hua Xi rushed into the side hall, and saw the corpses of two goddesses lying on the ground, and the teapot was broken on the ground, but Dugu Feng and Ling'er were nowhere to be seen.

Without a body, there is hope.

Hua Xi searched every corner of the side hall, but did not see them.

She ran out again and searched everywhere in the temple.

They were all dead bodies, but none of the men in black saw them.

The doubts in my heart are getting bigger and bigger, and the bad premonition is getting stronger and stronger.

She knew it was definitely a trap!
However, she just couldn't get out of this trap, so she could only follow the plan of the person who designed the trap and sink into it step by step.

She won't leave willingly without finding Dugufeng and Ling'er!
Hua Xi searched around, and finally ran to the apse of the sacrifice. She saw the man in the green shirt lying on the altar at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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