Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 994 Demon Killing Formation [5]

Chapter 994 Demon Killing Formation [5]

Hua Xi didn't have time to think about anything, just holding the jade pendant, and ran to the south at the fastest speed!


The surging sound of thunder stimulated the eardrums, stirring up the greatest fear in my heart!

She doesn't want to die, she doesn't want to die at this time!

In the body, all the spiritual power gushed out, and the chapters of the Forbidden Art of the Underworld were opened page by page in the darkness.

She vaguely saw the woman in white, raising her sleeves in the darkness, brushing the Forbidden Art of the Underworld.

"Could this life end like this?" She was a little unwilling, since 9000 years had passed, and the time was right, how could it be possible...

"Isn't it you?" Xiu Tiejian also murmured.

God knows how excited he was when he tasted her blood!
She came back again, and the 9000-year wait was finally not in vain.

But now... with nowhere to go, the Twelve Capitals Tianzhu Demon Formation...

What kind of mysterious hand, what kind of conspiracy has been woven, is affecting her fate?

The embroidered iron sword let out a pitiful sigh.

Such a Hua Xi, even if she wanted to, would not be possessed by a demon.

Because she always has kind thoughts in her heart.

There is no real hatred that can make her give up her bright and kind nature.

Hua Xi, how can I...

The twelve lightning bolts were getting closer and closer to her, and the time seemed to be elongated. Although it was only a moment, it was longer than 1 years.

The oppressive force brought by Lei Guang's approach heavily squeezed her body and internal organs.

She desperately released her spiritual power, spreading the armor layer by layer around her body for protection, and took out all the charms in the Wu Na Talisman.

It doesn't matter whether it is useful or not, as long as it can slightly stop that golden thunder.

Even if it's blocked for a few seconds...


She didn't even realize that she trusted him so much!

Only with such wholehearted trust can you entrust your life to him!

She can not believe in the sky, the earth, or anyone. She can forget her past and her fate.

But at this moment, she believed her!

The banner facing him in the south suddenly shook violently, and then, a burst of purple flames burst into flames!

The banner was burned into ashes in an instant, and the golden thunder that shot straight at Hua Xi disappeared in an instant!

It worked!
Hua Xi was overjoyed, she knew that if it was Chong Xi, she could do anything!
Trust him, you can have no worries!

He is so powerful that he can break through the unbreakable Twelve Capitals Heaven Slaying Demon Formation!

Hua Xi speeded up, her figure was faster than lightning!
"Impossible!" Ming Zun roared, how could his hard work be wasted like this?

Yan Zun gave him these twelve flags, but he was asked to kill this demon!

If she is not killed, Yan Zun will blame her...

Moreover, he has already offended Chong Xi, if he returns without success, he will die without a place to die!
Therefore, the resentment flashed in Lingzun's eyes.

He suddenly bit his own finger, and the blood rushed out and poured into the Demon Killing Formation!

Pure blood of the Protoss!

Ultra-high-level Protoss blood!

The purest spiritual power and blood of the Protoss are closely watched!
He didn't believe that he couldn't kill that damn demon!

He didn't believe that her fate could be so great!
"Hua Xi, hurry up!" Chong Xi's figure appeared behind the banner that was burned to ashes by the flames.

He was blocked behind the Twelve Capitals Tianzhu Demon Formation,
(End of this chapter)

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